The Legend of Stalvan (7)

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AllianceThe Legend of Stalvan
Start Sealed Crate
End Marshal Haggard
Level 28 (Requires 22)
Category Duskwood
Experience 1150
Reputation Stormwind +75
Previous A [28] The Legend of Stalvan
Next A [28] The Legend of Stalvan

Part of the Legend of Stalvan quest chain.

Rummaging around the junk, you find another clue as to whom this Stalvan really is.


The Torn Journal page you discovered provides your next clue.


Inside the crate you find various objects: musty heirlooms, a family portrait, a few hunting trophies and some old books. Near the bottom, underneath a ceramic vase, you uncover A Torn Journal Page.


You will receive:


What have you got there? I cannot see. My eyesight is very bad. Put it in my hands.


I can barely make out those letters. But that writing style reminds me of something I once saw before my vision became so poor.


  • It is after closing the popup for this quest that you will face your second Forlorn Spirit. It will be 2 levels higher then you, and tends to polymorph, but should not be too difficult to defeat.
  • Marshal Haggard is in Elwynn Forest, at the co-ordinates [84.6, 69.4].
  • Make sure you have a free inventory space as you start this quest, as starting it places  [A Torn Journal Page] in your inventory.


  1. A [28] The Legend of Stalvan
  2. A [28] The Legend of Stalvan
  3. A [28] The Legend of Stalvan
  4. A [28] The Legend of Stalvan
  5. A [28] The Legend of Stalvan
  6. A [28] The Legend of Stalvan
  7. A [28] The Legend of Stalvan
  8. A [28] The Legend of Stalvan
  9. A [28] The Legend of Stalvan
  10. A [28] The Legend of Stalvan
  11. A [28] The Legend of Stalvan
  12. A [28] The Legend of Stalvan
  13. A [35] The Legend of Stalvan

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