House Stormsong (quest)

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AllianceHouse Stormsong
Start Brother Pike
End Brother Pike
Level 30-60
Category Stormsong Valley
Experience 1,650
Reputation +75 Storm's Wake
Rewards 2g 34s
Previous A [30-60] A Risky Ploy
Next A [30-60] Unnecessary Duress & A [30-60] Proclamation Investigation & A [30-60] Haywire Harvesters


Meet Brother Pike and Taelia at Mariner's Strand.


I have little information to offer, I'm afraid. I've scarcely left Brennadam as of late.

What they said is true. Our militia now enter town only to collect rations rather than guard traders or keep the quilboar at bay.

They say they are under orders, but those orders would only come from my brothers at the Shrine. We take oaths to serve our people... it simply does not add up.

Brother Addington is nearby at Mariner's Strand. Perhaps he knows more than I.


You will receive:


What has become of our people...


Brother Pike says: Mariner's Strand is a short ride from here. Come.
Pike and Taelia both hop on their mounts. Keep up!
Taelia says: And what will we find there, exactly?
Brother Pike says: One of my brothers... and answers, I hope.
Brother Pike says: House Stormsong changed when the fleet failed to return.
Taelia says: Do you know where the fleet is?
Brother Pike says: When I search the water's surface, I encounter a dark storm that clouds my vision.
Brother Pike says: Lord Stormsong now forbids such rituals. He focuses instead on building new ships.
Brother Pike says: I often wonder whether he is right.
As the party crosses the bridge to Mariner's Strand, Pike spots Brother Addington hanging from a crane, and Exhausted Laborers are also dead.
Brother Pike says: Addington! By the depths...


  1. A [30-60] A Risky Ploy
  2. A [30-60] House Stormsong
  3. A [30-60] Unnecessary Duress & A [30-60] Proclamation Investigation & A [30-60] Haywire Harvesters
  4. Complete all of:
  5. A [30-60] Rest in the Depths
  6. A [30-60] Rearmament & A [30-60] Fabricated Fabrications & A [30-60] The Missing Link
  7. A [30-60] Storm's Judgment

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