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Forced Labor

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AllianceForced Labor
Start Samuel Williams
End Samuel Williams
Level 30-60
Category Stormsong Valley
Experience 8,230
Reputation +150 Storm's Wake
Rewards 11g 70s
Previous A [30-60] Lost, Not Forgotten & A [30-60] Means to an End
Next A [30-60] Bound and Oppressed


Free Samuel Williams.


<The laborer struggles to speak through the magic binding him.>

H... help... us...

<He achingly lifts a finger, gesturing towards the nearby anchor.>



You will receive:


<It appears he lacks the energy to respond further.>


At least not all of the tidesages have turned on us.

Not yet.


In the Addington Shipyards for A [30-60] Lost, Not Forgotten, A [30-60] Means to an End and A [30-60] The Rising Tide, Samuel Williams offers this quest.

Interact with the Anchor of Binding next to him to destroy it:

Samuel Williams says: Thank the tides not everyone has lost their damn mind. Half the house has gone mad!


  1. A [30-60] A Risky Ploy
  2. A [30-60] House Stormsong
  3. A [30-60] Unnecessary Duress & A [30-60] Proclamation Investigation & A [30-60] Haywire Harvesters
  4. Complete all of:
  5. A [30-60] Rest in the Depths
  6. A [30-60] Rearmament & A [30-60] Fabricated Fabrications & A [30-60] The Missing Link
  7. A [30-60] Storm's Judgment

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