Honoring a Hero

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Harvest Festival
The subject of this article or section is part of the Harvest Festival, a seasonal event that lasts one week. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available, until the next year.
For the Spires of Arak quest, see A [30-40] Honoring a Hero.
AllianceHonoring a Hero

Uther's Tomb
Start Wagner Hammerstrike
End Wagner Hammerstrike
Level 1-70 (Requires 30)
Category Harvest Festival
Experience Varies
Reputation +500 Alliance
Rewards  [For the Light!]
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [1-70] Honoring a Hero.


Travel to Uther's Tomb in Western Plaguelands and use Uther's Tribute at his statue, and then return to Wagner Hammerstrike outside Ironforge before the Harvest Festival is over.


During the Harvest Festival of Azeroth, we give thanks to heroes for the sacrifices - in some cases ultimate sacrifices - they have given on our behalf. The Alliance acknowledges many heroes, but none weave a more tragic tale than that of Uther Lightbringer .

Help us honor Uther by taking this offering to his tomb in the Western Plaguelands. Place it at his statue, and then return to me. I'll only be here through the end of the festival, so waste no time in giving Uther his tribute.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv misc gem x4 rare uncut green.png 3x [Anxious Spiritshard] Inv misc gem x4 rare uncut purple.png 3x [Forlorn Spiritshard]
Inv misc gem x4 rare uncut blue.png 3x [Peaceful Spiritshard] Inv misc gem x4 rare uncut red.png 3x [Vengeful Spiritshard]

You will also receive:


Have you made the journey to Uther's Tomb and placed the tribute there?

It can be a dangerous trip for less experienced adventurers; a safer way of traveling there, relatively speaking, may be to travel north from the river that runs through Hillsbrad into the Plaguelands. It flows from a lake that is adjacent to Sorrow Hill; travel west up through the hills, steering clear of the adjacent tomb... one that is infested with the Scourge.


He was a hero among heroes, Uther was. I can't even begin to imagine the anguish of what he felt when Arthas - his greatest student and someone whom Uther loved like his own son - betrayed all of humanity. Still, he rose to try and stop Arthas, and for that he will be forever remembered as a true paladin. His fight was to the end, thinking only of those he might save.

Thank you, <name>. You've paid tribute to a great hero today, honoring his spirit and the spirit of the Harvest Festival.


Patch changes

External links

es:Misión:En honor a un héroe (Alianza)