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Main leader IconSmall Naga Male.gif General Skessesh
  Formerly IconSmall Naga Male.gif Lord Shalzaru †
Secondary leaders IconSmall Naga Female.gif Lady Szallah
Race(s) NagaNaga Naga
Character classes Warrior, Myrmidon, Siren, Sorcerer
Base of operations Sardor Isle , Ruins of Solarsal
  Formerly Isle of Dread, Shalzaru's Lair
Theater of operations Feralas
Language(s) Nazja
Affiliation Nazjatar Empire
Status Defeated

The Hatecrest are a group of naga living in the ocean west of Feralas. They were previously living on the northern section of the Isle of Dread and in the ancient ruins at Sardor Isle where they occupied the Ruins of Solarsal in alarming numbers. At first, the night elves at Feathermoon Stronghold considered it as the precursor for an attack. But scouts reported that Lord Shalzaru had uncovered an odd relic during a recent naga excavation in a cave south of the main ruins, across the water on the Isle of Dread.[citation needed] 

During the Cataclysm, they attacked Feathermoon Stronghold only to be defeated by Tyrande Whisperwind and Malfurion Stormrage.[1]


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

While the Cataclysm sunk the Isle of Dread below the ocean surface and caused Shalzaru's cave to collapse, the Hatecrest saw their chance to drive the elves off Sardor Isle as Feathermoon Stronghold was destroyed as well. The elves built a new stronghold on Feralas' shore, are striking back through quests which ask the player to kill both the naga forces and their new leader Skessesh.




In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

The Hatecrest were a tribe.[2]
