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Gender Female
Race Naga
Class Sorceress
Affiliation(s) Hatecrest
Status Deceased
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Lady Szenastra was a naga sorceress under the command of Lady Szallah. Szenastra was in charge of the naga attack on Feathermoon Stronghold in the wake of the Cataclysm. She sent a naga siren as an emissary to offer Shandris Feathermoon the terms of their peace: Shandris was to bring them the head of "the false queen," Tyrande Whisperwind; Shandris replied by shooting the emissary in the throat. Lady Szenastra was killed by Tyrande and her husband Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage when they arrived to rescue Shandris.[1]


  1. ^ Seeds of Faith, pg. 3 - 4