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Image of Nirobin
Title <Codicological Archeologist>
Gender Male
Race Dracthyr (Humanoid)
Level 70
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Azerothian Archives, Dragonscale Expedition
Location Azerothian Archives, Thaldraszus [61.5, 31.0]; Traitor's Rest, Azure Span

Nirobin is a member of the Azerothian Archives and a codicological archeologist. He is a self-proclaimed genius in the field of arcane codicology which is done through fusing blue and bronze dragon magic. This allows him to create an embodiment of all the information collectively gathered on a relic or a place, manifested in the form of an animal, which he can then transcribe into his journal.[1] He is agoraphobic which leads to him never leaving his office. Instead he uses arcane projections to interact with the outside world.[2][3]

He instructs adventurers on arcane codicology, naming them his assistants, and delegates to them the task of researching several locations around the Dragon Isles, including the Forbidden Reach with the use of Reese. He also takes part in N [70W] The Big Dig: Traitor's Rest.

Arcane familiars

  • Bujji
  • Coalo
  • Kaiana
  • Peikon
  • Raffles
  • Reese


World quests:

Objective of



At the Azerothian Archives:

I can tell you're the kind of ingenious individual who has a proper appreciation for scholarship.

Here in the Azerothian Archives, we specialize in uncovering revelations from the past. In addition, I get to stand around a library of musty books drinking tea, but that, I assure you, is merely a fringe benefit.

At the Ageth'ar Academy:

Ah, my assistant!

I can't recall if I sent for you or not, but, no matter. There's always work to be done!

At Traitor's Rest:

Talk about a dig! You'd never even get to see bones this big back home. We're in for a real treat here.

Of course, there's more to excavate here than just bones.

This place is chock full of all kinds of history! And we won't know the half of what's there until we start getting in the dirt.

Dig right in, archivist!

Gossip Do you have that thing Eadweard needed?

I think Eadweard will find these quite pertinent to his inquiry! I picked them out of our collection especially for him!


  • I have a theory, but I'd love to be proven wrong!
  • So much to learn. So little time!
  • The Azerothian Archives are open to all.
  • We must not only study history's primary texts, but place them in the proper historical context.
  • An artifact's providence may be ours, but its' provenance lies with its culture, and people.
  • I look forward to hearing your latest theories.
  • Let your curiosity guide you.
  • Our duty is not only to find artifacts, but to protect them.
  • You have a question? Just ask!
  • You'll never be more than a footnote in history at this rate!


Azerothian Archives

Main article: To the Archives!#Notes
Main article: The Big Dig: Traitor's Rest#Notes
Main article: Nirobin and the Office#Notes
Main article: Living History#Notes
Main article: Lab Partners with a Squirrel#Notes
Main article: A Research Thesis Worth Publishing#Notes
Main article: Back to Headquarters!#Notes
Main article: Graduation Day#Notes
World quests
Main article: Research: Centaur of Ohn'ahran Plains#Description
Main article: Research: Dracthyr of Forbidden Reach#Description
Main article: Research: Drakonid of Forbidden Reach#Description
Main article: Research: Niffen of Zaralek Cavern#Description
Main article: Research: Djaradin of Zaralek Cavern#Description

Patch changes


External links

Traitor's Rest