Getaway to Scenic Feralas! (Alliance)

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Love is in the Air
The subject of this article or section is part of Love is in the Air, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.
AllianceGetaway to Scenic Feralas!
Start Gabbo Blinkwink [34.3, 51.6]
End Gabbo Blinkwink [34.3, 51.6]
Level 10-70
Type Daily
Category Love is in the Air
Experience 1,400
Rewards 10x  [Love Token]
Previous A [1-70] Take a Look Around
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [10-70 Daily] Getaway to Scenic Feralas!.
The pile of gifts


Take the Scenic Getaway Portal to Feralas, then deliver the lost gifts to the correct recipients.

  • Portal taken to Feralas (Optional)
  • Gift picked up
  • Gifts returned (3)
  • Sylandra's gift taken
  • Take the return portal to Stormwind (Optional)
  • Gift returned to Sylandra Silverbreeze


Today's special is a magical getaway to the sunny beaches of Feralas! The Steam Pools resort is having a lovely celebration and all are invited!

Unfortunately, some of the partygoers who took this portal earlier left their gifts here at the gala.

Could you help me return them? Meet me at the beach and we'll figure out which gifts belong to whom.


You will receive:


There are so many places in Azeroth to escape to! Everywhere you look, there's something new to discover.


Thanks for the assistance, <name>! You've made a lot of people happy by getting their gifts back to them.

And what an array of gifts they were! Maybe the language of love looks different to everyone.


Interact with the Scenic Getaway Portal and choose the Feralas option:

Gossip (Quest) A sunny vacation in Feralas.

This teleports the adventurer to the Steam Pools in southern Feralas. The weather/environment is changed in the area during the duration of the quest.

An arcane projection of Gabbo Blinkwink will show up and portal all the gifts on a table at [69.37, 73.22] in the middle of the beach. Pick up the available objects - Shiny New Weapon, Barrel of Wine, Lost Puppy or Mystery Gift that contains either a Sealed Letter or a  [Bouquet of Flowers]:

Gabbo Blinkwink says: Here are the gifts! Just take a gift and find the person it belongs to!

There are several characters to deliver gifts or emote at in order to complete the quest, though only three are required:

 [Love Language Expert]
Character Gift Item/action
Vernon Whitlock Novelty Shiny New Weapon
Theoderic Prescott Comfort Any gift, emote /hug
Bront Axecrusher Challenge Shiny New Weapon
Angus Flagonshot Companionship Lost Puppy
Halene Mistrunner Style Mystery Gift (Flowers)
Bratley Graston Beauty Mystery Gift (Flowers)
Clarissa Buchannan Festivity Barrel of Wine
Wilber Campbell Respect Any gift, emote /bow
Rizzi Attention Any gift
Verilas Sunblood Praise Mystery Gift (Sealed Letter)

Interacting with Bront Axecrusher upon picking up a gift (requires Shiny New Weapon for objective)

I enjoy a good celebration, but where's a challenge when you need one?

Gossip Are you missing a gift?
The only thing I miss is competition. It's been so long since I've sparred against someone my own strength.
Gossip Does this 'gift' belong to you?
No, that does not belong to me.
Gossip Does this sword belong to you?
Bront Axecrusher yells: Is this your way of challenging me to a duel? I gladly accept!

Upon defeating him

Bront Axecrusher says: What a great fight! Thank you, I needed that.

Interacting with Vernon Whitlock upon picking up a gift (requires Shiny New Weapon for objective)

This party is nice, but I miss a good fight.

Gossip Are you missing a gift?
Why, come to think of it, I think I purchased a sword for myself. Do you know where it went?
Gossip Does this 'gift' belong to you?
No, that does not belong to me.
Gossip Does this sword belong to you?
Vernon Whitlock yells: My new sword, you found it! Now we can have a real fight! En garde!

Upon defeating him

Vernon Whitlock says: Good show, good show! I yield to the better duelist.

Interacting with Clarissa Buchannan upon picking up a gift (requires Barrel of Wine for objective).

Ugh. I'm too sober for this conversation.

Gossip Are you missing a gift?
A missing gift? Now that you mention it, my friends and I left our wine back at the gala.
I wish I had a drink as stiff as Wilber's small talk.
Gossip Does this 'gift' belong to you?
No, that's not mine.
Gossip Does this wine belong to you?
Clarissa Buchannan says: YES! Finally! I was hoping someone would find this. I can't believe my friends and I left it at the gala!

Upon picking up a gift and talking to Rizzi

...And then I said "if you're gonna talk like that to ME, you've got another thing coming!"
Oh hey. This guy knows what I'm talking about.
Gossip Does this 'gift' belong to you?
Nah I ain't got nothing today. I'm just here to chat.
Gossip I will talk with you.
Really, ya mean it?
Some folks say I have a big mouth sometimes.
Gossip Yes, you have my full attention.
This triggers dialogue.
Gossip On second thought...
Rizzi says: Okay, so one time, me an' Nikki were shopping for a... well, I forget what it was exactly we set out to get when we left, but we were at the market.
Rizzi says: And you know how most stalls have these HUGE displays? So I said to Nikki, "Nikki, how are we gonna sift through all this junk to find what we're looking for?
Rizzi says: And Nikki says to me, "Rizzi, baby, that's the whole point! We're here to have a good time! It ain't about the purchase, it's about the experience.
Rizzi says: Anyway, what was I saying? Ah, nevermind me. I'm just a big ol' chattermouth! Thanks for listening anyway, I really appreciate it.

Upon picking up Sealed Letter and talking to Verilas Sunblood

This party is lovely, if superficial. True love is spoken from the heart.
Gossip Are you missing a gift?
I know of no gifts which are mine. Besides, material possessions are paltry gifts compared to the beauty of simply expressing one's feelings.
Gossip Does this 'gift' belong to you?
That is not mine.
Gossip Does this letter belong to you?
Verilas Sunblood says: A letter for me?
Verilas Sunblood says: "Verilas, though our time at the gala was brief, you delight me to no end.
Verilas Sunblood says: "Your well-versed wordsmithing and rousing rhymes stirs my heart. I look forward to our next serendipitous rendezvous. Yours truly, L.V.
Verilas Sunblood says: My, my, I feel just tickled with compliments! Thank you <class>, you have delivered me a wondrous gift this day.

Upon interacting with the Lost Puppy and talking to Angus Flagonshot

Ach. Let me tell you. You don't know true love until you've had a pet.
Gossip Are you missing a gift?
Am I missing a gift? I... Oh no! BEANIE!
<Angus stands up and looks around frantically.>
Have ye seen my dog? Oi, Caitlin's going t' be furious with me if I don't find him!
You've got to help! Me, I've got to finish this burger. You don't want to see me when I'm hungry.
Gossip Does this 'gift' belong to you?
Nae, that's not fer me.
Gossip Does this puppy belong to you?
Angus Flagonshot says: Beanie! Ye found him! He was a gift from my sister. Thank ye so much fer returning my pup!

Interacting with Wilber Campbell upon picking up any gift.

These hooligans are ridiculous. No one shows manners anymore.

Gossip Are you missing a gift?
The only thing MISSING around here is respect!
Seriously, no one at this "party" seems to be in the mood to show any RESPECT around here. Humph!
Gossip Does this 'gift' belong to you?
That would be a bit far-fetched do you not agree?

Upon /bowing to him

Wilber Campbell says: Well, thats--that's quite nice, actually. Thank you, <class>. I am truly grateful for your respect.

Interacting with Theoderic Prescott upon picking up any gift.

<Theoderic is muttering to himself.>
Dare I approach someone? Oh but what would I say? Perhaps I have brought the wrong hat for this occasion.
Gossip Are you missing a gift?
Something missing? No, all I miss is a physical connection. Most people are disgusted by my appearance.
Gossip Does this 'gift' belong to you?
Nay, I am all too aware of my own possessions, and that is not among them.

Upon /hugging to him

Theoderic Prescott says: You--you would give me a hug? Your kindess[sic] brings me to tears. Thank you, stranger, thank you so much. You have given me a blessed gift this day!

Interacting with Halene Mistrunner upon picking up any gift.

This is such a peaceful day. Does my hair look okay? Maybe I should put it up?

Gossip Are you missing a gift?
Come to think of it, my partner and I were shopping for a new style for my hair. I just love natural accessories!
Gossip Does this 'gift' belong to you?
That is not mine, but I do hope you find who it belongs to!
Gossip Do these flowers belong to you?
Halene Mistrunner says: My flowers, how wonderful! Yes, my partner bought these to help with my hair. Now let me see...
Halene Mistrunner says: Oh, they look gorgeous! Thank you so much. I have a new style and I feel like a new person!

Interacting with Bratley Graston upon picking up any gift.

Have you seen my gorgeous muscles? It's the beauty on the outside that matters most.

Gossip Are you missing a gift?
In my haste to get here, I left the only thing that could complement my natural beauty.
<Bratley kisses his bicep.>
But I accept who I am, babe. I am living in the present moment.
Gossip Does this 'gift' belong to you?
Gaze upon my perfect face as I say this to you. I've never seen that before in my life.
Gossip Do these flowers belong to you?
Bratley Graston says: My flowers! Thanks, babe!
Bratley Graston says: Gaze upon me, my lovely friends. Only cowards claim to not like such delicate beauties. This is what a real man looks like!

There are also a few more lovely guests in the area who don't count towards the quest or the achievement:

Interacting with Daz'dono upon picking up any gift.

Now dis is what I'm talking about! De beach, de breeze, what more could you ask for?

Gossip Are you missing a gift?
I've got everything I need right here.
Gossip Does this 'gift' belong to you?
I've got everything I need right here.

Interacting with Maggie Diamond upon picking up any gift.

Waiting in line hurts my back.

Gossip Are you missing a gift?
The only thing I miss is my wife, and I doubt you can bring her back after the war.
Gossip Does this 'gift' belong to you?
Hah! I'm chuffed you think that's mine, but no.
Gossip Does this puppy belong to you?
No, but perhaps check with the hunter there. He seems the sort who might appreciate another animal companion.

After giving gifts to three people:

Gabbo Blinkwink yells: Hey <name>, come back! I found another gift!
Gabbo Blinkwink says: Could you deliver this one to Sylandra Silverbreeze, the florist at the gala?

After picking up Sylandra's Gift, take the Portal to Stormwind and speak with Sylandra Silverbreeze:

Gossip (Quest) This gift is for you.

Oh? I wasn't expecting anything.

<Sylandra opens the gift. Inside is a letter, which she reads out loud.>

"Dear Sylandra, I am but one of many customers you helped this week. Your flowers helped me truly express my identity. Thank you for seeing me for who I really am."

<Sylandra wipes away a tear.>

Thank you, <name>. To me, there is no greater gift than helping others be their best selves.

This completes the quest objectives.


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