Verilas Sunblood

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NeutralVerilas Sunblood
Image of Verilas Sunblood
Title <Lovely Guest>
Gender Male
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 1-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Reliquary
Location Steam Pools, Feralas
Status Alive
Love is in the Air
The subject of this article or section is part of Love is in the Air, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.

Verilas Sunblood is a blood elf located in the Steam Pools in Feralas during Love is in the Air.

Objective of



This party is lovely, if superficial. True love is spoken from the heart. Gossip Does this letter belong to you?

Verilas Sunblood says: A letter for me?
Verilas Sunblood says: "Verilas, though our time at the gala was brief, you delight me to no end."
Verilas Sunblood says: "Your well-versed wordsmithing and rousing rhymes stirs my heart. I look forward to our next serendipitous rendezvous. Yours truly, L.V."
Verilas Sunblood says: My my, I feel just tickled with compliments! Thank you <class>, you have delivered me a wondrous gift this day.


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

He may be related to Ariiya Sunblood.

Patch changes

External links