Fowl Sorcery

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NeutralFowl Sorcery
Start Initiate Boku[58.12, 68.97]
End Initiate Boku[60.66, 63.54]
Level 62-65
Category Ohn'ahran Plains
Experience 9,350
Reputation +200 Maruuk Centaur
Rewards 26g 21s
Previous N [62-65] Catching Wind
Next N [62-65] Oh No, Ohn'ahra!


Use Boku's Wind Totem to destroy the Nokhud wagons.

  • Wagons destroyed (4)


It is said that Ohn'ahra infused the spear of our ancestor, Maruuk, with her power. Balakar Khan must have told the Primalists about that legend.

They have stolen the magic from Ohn'ahra's children, polluted it with storm sorcery, and infused it into ballista bolts. Why would the Nokhud need such weapons?

We shouldn't wait to find out. These storm bolts are being loaded into wagons for transport. Take my totems and place one atop each wagon you come across. My wind magic will smash them to pieces.


You will receive:


You might want to run after placing a totem.


I'm sure there's more out there, but we destroyed what we could. Hopefully, this will at least slow them down.


Upon accepting all of Fowl Sorcery, N [62-65] Eagle-itarian, and N [62-65] Weather Control, Boku runs off and despawns:

Initiate Boku says: Something is at the top of the rise. I will take a side route. Meet me up there!

There are four wagons around the rise,[58.18, 67.34][59.23, 65.46][61.74, 66.66][58.69, 61.87] each with a Boku's Wind Totem ghost image. Interact with the images to place the totems, creating a burst of wind that destroys the wagon and knocks the player back.

After finishing all the objectives, find Boku on the top of the rise, near where Koroleth is holding Ohn'ahra captive. On approach:

Initiate Boku says: How is this possible? They have captured Ohn'ahra herself!


  1. N [62-65] Hooves of War
  2. N [62-65] The Calm Before the Storm
  3. N [62-65] Boku the Mystic
  4. N [62-65] Pessimistic Mystic
  5. N [62-65] Mystic Mystery
  6. N [62-65] Toting Totems and N [62-65] Taken By Storm
  7. N [62-65] Catching Wind
  8. Complete all of:
  9. N [62-65] Oh No, Ohn'ahra!
  10. N [62-65] A Storm of Ill Tidings

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