Ereria Galesinger

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AllianceEreria Galesinger
Image of Ereria Galesinger
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 70
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Former affiliation(s) Primalists
Location Viridescent Thicket, Amirdrassil
Status Alive

Ereria Galesinger is a night elf located in the Viridescent Thicket in Amirdrassil.

Objective of



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Gossip <Tell me what you know about Koroleth.>

Koroleth was one of the most powerful storm shaman amongst the Primalists. She leveraged her training as a Druid of the Talon to master the elements more quickly and more fully than others.

It was also why she was chosen to lead the initial assault on the Emerald Dream. As a former druid, she knew more about the Dream and its weaknesses than anyone else.

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