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Edwyn Wyndsmithe

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NeutralEdwyn Wyndsmithe
Image of Edwyn Wyndsmithe
Gender Male
Race Arathi (Humanoid)
Level 75-78
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Hallowfall Arathi
Location Hallowfall
Status Alive

Edwyn Wyndsmithe is an arathi located in Lightspark in Hallowfall.

Objective of


Main article: Height Club#notes
Main article: A Principled Principal#Notes


What do you want?

Gossip Why are you so certain you should be captain?

My older brother was a crewman on the Indomitable. He loved flying, and he was great at it.

But on the Day of Darkness, he wasn't lucky enough to make it home. Even with Duke Velhan's skill and leadership, the situation was just too dire.

I've studied the reports about that night, and thought every day about how an airship captain can keep his crew safe, in any situation.

There's no one else who would bring the same level of obsessive preparation to the job, or be as concerned for their crew. Sophietta and Jenae know the stakes, theoretically. I've felt them every day for years.

Patch changes

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