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A Principled Principal

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NeutralA Principled Principal
Start Sophietta Lynflayme
End Headmaster Fynch
Level 75-78
Category Hallowfall
Experience 11,150
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [75-78] Gone with the Wind


Get Sophietta's report to Headmaster Fynch.


Great work gathering these up. I found a few blowing around up here, so I think we've got all the pages. Let's get this to Headmaster Fynch! He's probably in the classroom.

I sure hope he accepts it. He says he doesn't accept late work, but there were a lot of extenuating circumstances at play here. And if he doesn't, I'll be reporting to Edwyn as my captain. I'm not sure I could do that, after what's happened.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 11,150 XP
Inv misc questionmark.png Airship Captain's Cloak Inv misc questionmark.png 500x Hallowfall Arathi
Spell azerite essence14.png 25x [Resonance Crystals]


Sophietta has been a phenomenal student. Honestly, I am too close to the situation to make that decision without bias. But it was too nuanced to reject without consideration.

As an outsider, I know your decision wasn't colored by months spent with these students, so I could trust your judgment. I appreciate your help in resolving the situation, <name>.


Upon accept:

Sophietta Lynflayme says: I know Headmaster Fynch will understand!

Upon approaching Headmaster Fynch at the Lightspark Commissary:

Sophietta Lynflayme says: Headmaster Fynch, I'm so sorry for the delay. But I've got my final report for you!
Headmaster Fynch says: I'm sorry, Sophietta--I can't accept this. The deadline was over an hour ago.
Headmaster Fynch says: I'm sure you have a reason. But if I start making exceptions to the policy on late work, how can I draw a line for other students?
Sophietta Lynflayme says: But another student took my report, and...
Headmaster Fynch says: I'm sorry, Sophietta, but I have to follow the rules I've set. Consistency is the only way to ensure things are fair.

Talk to Sophietta:

I can't believe Headmaster Fynch wouldn't take my report...

Gossip We tried our best. Sorry that it didn't work out.

No! I've spent so much time studying.

So much time practicing, and working out engineering principles.

I'm not going to give up!

Gossip (Quest) We have to keep trying. We'll get through to him!

Sophietta Lynflayme says: We can go to his house, and talk to him there. Let's go, <name>!

While leaving the commissary one can encounter Edwyn, Caerin and Faerley near a skiff:

Caerin says: Why are we the ones who have to clean the skiff?
Edwyn Wyndsmithe says: Caretaker Ryston said I have to, for dipping Sophietta's report in the stew.
Faerley says: Right, you have to.
Edwyn Wyndsmithe says: And I say you have to help me. So let's get this done!

Upon approaching Headmaster Fynch at his home:

Sophietta Lynflayme says: Headmaster Fynch, sorry to bother you at home, but...
Headmaster Fynch says: What is it, Sophietta? It must be important for you to come here outside of class.
Sophietta Lynflayme says: Actually, I'm not sorry. I know you want to be fair. But this situation is not right.
Sophietta Lynflayme says: Edwyn took my report, and kept me from turning it in. Accepting my report would be the way to restore fairness.
Headmaster Fynch says: That's a strong accusation to make against a fellow student. Do you have any proof? Any witnesses?
Sophietta Lynflayme says: Edwyn admitted it to <name>!
Headmaster Fynch says: I see, that does complicate things. Let me discuss this with your outsider friend here, and see what <he/she> thinks.

I'd really benefit from your perspective, <name>.

On one hand, rules are rules. To protect fairness, I don't bend or break them.

Yet Sophietta is one of the best students I've seen in years, and would make a great captain.

If I start making exceptions, how can I be sure I'm doing the right thing?

What do you think is the right outcome here?

Gossip (Quest) It would be fair to accept Sophietta's report.

Gossip (Quest) Once you start making exceptions, the system becomes unfair.

Gossip (Quest) You shouldn't accept late work, but Edwyn shouldn't benefit.

The options picked will determine the next Arathi airship captain. If the first option is picked:

Headmaster Fynch says: Sophietta, I've discussed this with <name>, and come to a decision.
Headmaster Fynch says: You've done so well in all of the work so far that, if I accept your report, you'll be our next airship captain.
Headmaster Fynch says: Edwyn is next behind you, and Jenae Sacredpyke is close behind him.
Headmaster Fynch says: <Name> reassured me that, if I accept your late report, I am not being unfair.
Headmaster Fynch says: Congratulations, Sophietta, you'll be a captain soon, with Edwyn and Jenae as your officers.
Sophietta Lynflayme says: Thank you, Headmaster Fynch, for doing what's right.
Sophietta Lynflayme says: We will all do our best to make Lightspark proud.
Headmaster Fynch says: I know you will fulfill your duty with excellence. Everything you've done in your time here tells me that.

If the second option is picked:

Headmaster Fynch says: Sophietta, I've discussed this with <name>, and come to a decision.
Headmaster Fynch says: You've done so well in all of the work so far that, if I accept your report, you'll be our next airship captain.
Headmaster Fynch says: Edwyn is next behind you, and Jenae Sacredpyke is close behind him.
Headmaster Fynch says: <Name> pointed out that, once I start bending the rules--picking who wins--that is unfair.
Headmaster Fynch says: As a result, Edwyn is going to be captain of our next airship. You and Jenae will be his officers.
Sophietta Lynflayme says: I'll report to Edwyn? Ugh.
Sophietta Lynflayme says: I completely disagree with that. But I'll do my best for the crew.
Headmaster Fynch says: I know you will fulfill your duty with excellence. Everything you've done in your time here tells me that.

If the third option is picked:

Headmaster Fynch says: Sophietta, I've discussed this with <name>, and come to a decision.
Headmaster Fynch says: You've done so well in all of the work so far that, if I accept your report, you'll be our next airship captain.
Headmaster Fynch says: Edwyn is next behind you, and Jenae Sacredpyke is close behind him.
Headmaster Fynch says: We don't think I should change the rule, but it's also not fair for Edwyn to be captain.
Headmaster Fynch says: So Jenae will have the command, and you and Edwyn will serve under her.
Sophietta Lynflayme says: I... suppose I can understand why you made that decision.
Sophietta Lynflayme says: Alright. I'll do my best to work with Edwyn, and support Jenae.
Headmaster Fynch says: I know you will fulfill your duty with excellence. Everything you've done in your time here tells me that.

Upon completion, if the first option was picked:

Sophietta Lynflayme says: This has been a long day, Headmaster Fynch. I'm going to head to dinner and leave you to yours.
Headmaster Fynch says: Of course, thank you, Sophietta.
Sophietta Lynflayme says: Thank you for all of your help, <name>!

If the second option was picked:

Sophietta Lynflayme says: This has been a long day, Headmaster Fynch. I'm going to head to dinner and leave you to yours.
Headmaster Fynch says: Of course, thank you, Sophietta.
Sophiette Lynflayme says: Thank you for your... assistance, <name>.

Fynch has new gossip after:

It's vital that our airships have the right leadership, <name>. Thank you for weighing in on the final decision.

Heading back to Lightspark Commisary one can talk to Sophietta, Edwyn and Jenae and ask their opinion on the headmaster's choice. If the first choice was picked:

Sophietta Lynflayme

Thanks for your help today, <name>. Anything I can do for you?

Gossip What do you think of the headmaster's choice?

I'm really glad all my hard work paid off, <name>. I've been dreaming of this day for years, and working for it for a long time.

Edwyn is a good pilot, and he knows the material, but it wouldn't have been right for him to be captain, either in terms of merit or fairness. I'm not sure how I would have dealt with that.

But he and Jenae will make good officers. I have no doubt of that!

Edwyn Wyndsmithe

What do you want?

Gossip What do you think of the headmaster's choice?

Listen, <name>, I should be captain, and without your interference, I would have been. No one is going to be more careful to keep their crew safe, or fight harder for the Arathi than me.

But if I can't be captain, Sophietta really is a fantastic pilot. She knows exactly what our airship can do, and what's asking too much of it, even better than me. She'll be great at it. And Jenae and I will be there to help out.

I think Headmaster Fynch made the wrong choice, but it's still a good choice. Just not the best.

Gossip Why are you so certain you should be captain?

My older brother was a crewman on the Indomitable. He loved flying, and he was great at it.

But on the Day of Darkness, he wasn't lucky enough to make it home. Even with Duke Velhan's skill and leadership, the situation was just too dire.

I've studied the reports about that night, and thought every day about how an airship captain can keep his crew safe, in any situation.

There's no one else who would bring the same level of obsessive preparation to the job, or be as concerned for their crew. Sophietta and Jenae know the stakes, theoretically. I've felt them every day for years.

Jenae Sacredpyke

What's on your mind, <name>?

Gossip What do you think of the headmaster's choice?

I don't mind it at all. Sophietta is the best of us, honestly, and it'll be an honor to serve as her officer. I'll learn things from her, and maybe even pick up some of her drive.

Honestly, less stressful than if I were the captain, and... Edwyn can be somewhat difficult. So I'm glad she was chosen!

Gossip I had another question.

Gossip Can you tell me about Lightspark?

We've been in Hallowfall a while, and we've had a need to train captains, officers and crews for our airships, either due to casualties or for new additions to the fleet.

So Lightspark was founded a few years ago under Headmaster Fynch. He handpicked several of our best officers to help him train the students.

Each year, he selects Arathi from a group of volunteers, and they come to study. Those who pass are assigned to an airship, with the top student being the captain, the next two the officers, and the others make up the crew.

Gossip I had another question.

If the second choice was picked:

Sophietta Lynflayme

Thanks for your help today, <name>. Anything I can do for you?

Gossip What do you think of the headmaster's choice?

I'm not sure what to say, <name>. We did everything right. And I appreciate your help.

But I guess even then you can lose. Headmaster Fynch made the wrong choice, making Edwyn the captain.

But now that choice is made, and I'll have to support him as one of his officers. I'll do my best, and we'll see what the future holds.

We did all we could to get a different outcome. Now I need to accept the hand we've been dealt.

Edwyn Wyndsmithe

What do you want?

Gossip What do you think of the headmaster's choice?

Here's the deal, <name>. I'm the best. No one is going to fight harder for the Empire or work harder for their crew than I will.

I'm not sure how Sophietta got ahead of me in the scoring, but I know that's true. And I don't appreciate you meddling to try to put her back on top, when I'm the one who needs to be at the wheel.

But it all worked out. No hard feelings, ok? Sophietta and Jenae will make great officers, and it all turned out for the best.

Jenae Sacredpyke

What's on your mind, <name>?

Gossip What do you think of the headmaster's choice?

Edwyn is really great at flying, and he's competent too. Sometimes his ego may get in the way, and as his officers, Sophietta and I will have to figure out how best to navigate that.

But he'll do well as a captain, and I'll do what I can to help him succeed.

I knew it would be him or Sophietta.

If the third choice was picked: ...


  1. N [75-78] Care Package
  2. N [75-78] The Notebook
  3. N [75-78] Height Club
  4. N [75-78] Gone with the Wind
  5. N [75-78] A Principled Principal

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