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Dread in the Den

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NeutralDread in the Den
Start Scrit
End Scrit
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 5,450
Rewards 11g 70s
Previous N [73-75] The Bronzebeard Legacy
Next N [73-75] A Suit of Slime, N [70-80] Healing the Headwaters

Dread in the Den begins an optional chapter of the Ringing Deeps storyline upon conclusion of N [73-75] The Bronzebeard Legacy. Scrit at Shadowvein Point needs help at her camp in the Chittering Den.


Meet Scrit at her camp in the Chittering Den

  • Scrit's camp found


You kobold friend, yes? Need help. Bad things happening in the Chittering Den.

Glumtooth Gang setting up camp. Cronies of Candle King, want war with earthen.

Can't stop them alone. Meet me at camp.


You will receive:

  • 11g 70s
  • 5,450 XP


You came. Good. Much to do. Much to protect.


On approach:

Scrit says: Psst. You, kobold friend. Come speak.

On accept:

Scrit says: See you in den. Find my camp.

On the way, players may run across Nebb and Snubjaw outside the Fetid Grotto, where Nebb starts N [73-75] A Nebb in Need, another side chapter in the Chittering Den.

At Scrit's camp:

Scrit says: You no get lost? That good sign.

On complete, Scrit has gossip:

There kobold camp here, just over hill. Run by Boss Whiskerlash, leader of Glumtooth Gang. They all Candle King cronies. They train for war on earthen. Must be stopped.

Gossip Why don't you have a candle?

Scrit young once. Not much in deeps for kobold. Fell in with Glumtooth Gang.

When Scrit older, learn more. Not much in deeps, true, but less if Boss Whiskerlash and Candle King get way.

So Scrit go to Whiskerlash. Say want leave. Whiskerlash take Scrit candle, say, "Where go now? You want dark take you?" Scrit fear dark, yes. But fear what happen if do nothing more. So Scrit stay. And plan.

<Scrit pats her head where a candle should be.>

This reminder. Whiskerlash and Candle King burn many candles. use light to hide darkness in selfs.

Sometimes, only can see in dark when not blinded by light.


  1. N [73-75] Dread in the Den
  2. N [73-75] A Suit of Slime & N [70-80] Healing the Headwaters
  3. N [73-75] Casing the Camp
  4. N [73-75] Beat the Best & N [73-75] Snouty Sabotage
  5. N [73-75] Break out Berrund!
  6. N [73-75] Put the Shine On
  7. N [73-75] Bump off the Boss

Patch changes

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