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Break out Berrund!

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NeutralBreak out Berrund!
Start Scrit
End Berrund the Gleaming
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 10,850
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [73-75] Beat the Best, N [73-75] Snouty Sabotage
Next N [73-75] Put the Shine On


Escort Berrund from the camp

  • Speak to Berrund
  • Escort Berrund


You work good. Now they let you into ring to "fight" earthen. You go to ring when ready. Cinder-flash candles could go off any moment.

I head back to camp. Wait for you and earthen there.

You good one. No get killed.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 10,850 XP


Now what are the chances of meeting you in a place like that? But this is no time for a reunion. I've got bad news.


On accept:

Scrit says: You free the earthen. I meet you back at camp.
Scrit drops into stealth.

Enter the ring and speak with Berrund the Gleaming:

<Name>, is that you under all that?

Gossip (Quest) Get ready, the candles are about to explode!

This changes the phase, and players lose their disguise:

Glumtooth Bruiser says: That no bug, Smash it!
Berrund the Gleaming says: I was just waiting for my moment. You're welcome to tag along.
Berrund the Gleaming says: Don't worry, I'll be right here!

Fend off the two bruisers, without Berrund's help (as usual...) and he takes off. Keep up with him and two Glumtooth Trappers attack:

Berrund the Gleaming says: They're not eager to see us go. Handle them!

Three more kobolds in the next ambush:

Berrund the Gleaming says: I'll leave this to you. You seem like you need the practice.

Outside of the kobold camp, Berrund runs off:

Berrund the Gleaming says: You say you've got a camp nearby? I'll meet you there.

Catch up with Berrund and Scrit at her camp:

Berrund the Gleaming says: ...and that's when I threw <name> over my shoulder and broke through the kobolds' defenses.
Scrit says: That before or after you hide behind <name> like shield?

On complete:

Berrund the Gleaming says: Good to see you again, <name>, but I fear that's not the end. That camp was just a part Of the Glumtooth's operation.
Scrit says: You know him? Good, then you work together to stop Boss Whiskerlash bug army, Already have many.
Berrund the Gleaming says: If this Whiskerlash has an army, we can't just take him head on. Don't worry, I'll come up with a better plan than that business with Moira.


  1. N [73-75] Dread in the Den
  2. N [73-75] A Suit of Slime & N [70-80] Healing the Headwaters
  3. N [73-75] Casing the Camp
  4. N [73-75] Beat the Best & N [73-75] Snouty Sabotage
  5. N [73-75] Break out Berrund!
  6. N [73-75] Put the Shine On
  7. N [73-75] Bump off the Boss

Patch changes

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