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What Army?

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NeutralWhat Army?
Start Automatic
End Automatic
Level 73-75
Type Bonus Objective
Category The Ringing Deeps
Rewards 7g 3s
Previous N [73-75] Put the Shine On

What Army? is a bonus objective in the Chittering Den of the Ringing Deeps while players are on N [73-75] Put the Shine On.


  • Disrupt the Glumtooth Gang (0/100%)


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s


Fill the bar by killing, destroying, or opening, for 5% each: Captured Undercrawlers, Glumtooth Bug-beaters, Glumtooth Riders, Glumtooth Trappers, Kobold Traps, or Kobold Cages.


  1. N [73-75] Dread in the Den
  2. N [73-75] A Suit of Slime & N [70-80] Healing the Headwaters
  3. N [73-75] Casing the Camp
  4. N [73-75] Beat the Best & N [73-75] Snouty Sabotage
  5. N [73-75] Break out Berrund!
  6. N [73-75] Put the Shine On
  7. N [73-75] Bump off the Boss

Patch changes

External links