Draenei Survivor

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AllianceDraenei Survivor
Image of Draenei Survivor
Gender Both
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Level 1-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Exodar
Location Ammen Vale, Azuremyst Isle

Draenei Survivors were thrown from the ship as the Exodar crashed onto Azuremyst Isle. They are scattered all around Ammen Vale, wounded and badly affected by the radiation from the power crystals of the wrecked ship. The more able-bodied survivors are doing all they can to find the rest of their ship-mates and rescue them.


I don't know if I can make it. Please help me...
Everything hurts. Please make it stop...
Oh, the pain...
Ughhh... I hurt. Can you help me?
Many thanks to you <class>. I'd best get to the crash site and see how I can help out. Until we meet again...
Ugh... What is this place? Is that all that's left of the ship over there?
<Class>, you saved me! I owe you a debt that I can never repay. I'll go see if I can help the others.



Draenei can use [Gift of the Naaru] to heal these survivors, allowing them to stand, elicit a comment to the player, then run in the direction of the crash site to disappear. No other healing magic seems to work give this effect.

Draenei Survivors are also the only NPC's in Ammen Vale who can be killed by Horde players.

Patch changes

External links