Dogged Pursuit

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NeutralDogged Pursuit
Start Ar'syn [32, 22]
End Ar'syn [32, 22]
Level 78-80
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 11,600
Rewards 46g 80s
Previous N [78-80] Repatriation by Subtraction & N [78-80] Educate Yourself


Royal Broker Rez'kal
A Sureki enforcer tasked with stripping the old histories from the Royal Preservatory.

Defeat Royal Broker Rez'kal.


But of course, simply stealing the relics isn't enough. We need to teach the Queen's pet burrow-worms a lesson in futility, or they will simply start the whole process again!

That shouting buffoon near the central passage is Rez'kal, a member of Ansurek's personal academic entourage. He's... not very bright, but he makes up for it with enough strength to send either of us through a wall.

I'm not inclined to go toe to toe with the big oaf today. Would you mind overmuch doing one last favor for me?


You will receive:


Be careful, <name>. What Rez'kal lacks in acuity he makes up for in scarab-headed stubbornness.


Ah! There you are. Fine job back there with the lummox. He may have been a buffoon, but he was a buffoon with very sharp blades on his arms.

Now, with relics in hand, it is time for me to make my grand exit. I've a great many pilfered riches to re-appropriate, after all! I've truly enjoyed our time working together, though. Perhaps, with luck, our paths will cross again soon.


On accept:

Ar'syn says: Careful, now, dear. That hollow-headed scarab has a nasty habit of tramping people underfoot.

On engaging Royal Broker Rez'kal:

Royal Broker Rez'kal says: Our new history begins with Queen Ansurek!

On death:

Royal Broker Rez'kal says: Curse you... Was this your doing, Ar'syn...?

The Surkei Guards will disappear, allowing free exit. Ar'syn will be on a column above the area you met her. After completion, she has additional gossip text:

Ah, hello again! I trust your escapades proceed apace?

Do give the Weaver my regards. Should she ever require a contact for some creative repossession, I am certainly available for a little bit of contract work.


  1. N [78-80] Means of Ingress & N [78-80] Skeins Street Irregulars
  2. N [78-80] Repatriation by Subtraction & N [78-80] Educate Yourself
  3. N [78-80] Dogged Pursuit

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