Educate Yourself

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NeutralEducate Yourself
Start Ar'syn [32, 22]
End Ar'syn [32, 22]
Level 78-80
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 11,600
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [78-80] Means of Ingress & N [78-80] Skeins Street Irregulars
Next N [78-80] Dogged Pursuit


Tamper with the shadecasters in front of each of the four Founding Relics.

  • The Onyx Arms
  • The Ashes of Anub'izek
  • The First Declaration
  • Loom of Fates


The Relics of Founding have always been the centerpieces of the Preservatory's collection. Together, those four artifacts tell our most reverent tale--that of the founding of Azj-Kahet, and of our people's rejection of our Old Masters.

With luck, they will still be inside the Preservatory. Once you are inside, I want you to tamper with the shadecasters in front of each of the relics. Make sure that their messages are heard by anyone nearby--whether they wish to listen or not.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 11,600 XP


Remember, <class>, it's not just about stealing what shouldn't be there. It's about reminding them what should remain.


And there we have it. A brilliant calling card to suit our schemes, and an excellent distraction to cover our escape. All in one convenient, educational package!

...Would that it were all good news, however. Our exit strategy has grown complicated.


On accept of both Educate Yourself and Repatriation by Subtraction:

Ar'syn says: And so the heist begins! This ought to be a great deal of fun.
Ar'syn says: Those crates in front of the entranceway should be your best bet in terms of access. I shall meet you within.

Interacting with the Onyx Arms spawns a vision of Ar'syn

Ar'syn says: Pitiful. Queen Anub'izek's onyx arms, laid bare in a bin like so many pieces of kindling!
Ar'syn says: These blades tore a thousand foes asunder as our progenitor stood stalwart against those who would have denied us our kingdom. Without these arms, Azj-Kahet does not exist.

Interacting with The Ashes of Anub'izek spawns a vision of Ar'syn

Ar'syn says: Tsk Tsk. To think that the Sureki dynasty would deprive the masses of their chance to pay tribute to our progenitor's very ashes!
Ar'syn says: Allow me to educate you simpletons. The great Anub'izek saw our fate woven amongst the strands of a flawed tapestry, and used that vision to guide us to our salvation beyond the bounds of the Black Empire.
Ar'syn says: She perished in pitched combat against the sundry threats that faced our newfound, burgeoning kingdom. Now, she rests here--guiding us with her memory, even in death.

Interacting with The First Declaration spawns a vision of Ar'syn

Ar'syn says: Before the invention of shadecasters, our forebears recorded important words and moments upon vellum pressed from the husks of river reeds. Their ridges and bumps tell a story for those who care to pass their hands upon them.
Ar'syn says: This missive, though, is no mere scrawl. Is it the First Declaration--a copy of the words spoken by Queen Abub'izek in her first act of defiance against our world-be overlords.
Ar'syn says: "We will not bend to the whims of our own shadows," she declared. "We shall depart this land, and we shall be free."

Interacting with the Loom of Fates spawns a vision of Ar'syn

Ar'syn says: You stand before the Loom of Fates-the humble framework upon which the idea of Azj-Kahet was born.
Ar'syn says: When she was a mere Fatespinner, Queen Anub'izek saw an apocalyptic future for the nerubian people, broken under the yoke of out shadowy masters.
Ar'syn says: She knew then what we know now--if we attempted to walk with our kindred, we would fall to the menace of death. This prophetic loom showed our first Queen the way forward for our people.


  1. N [78-80] Means of Ingress & N [78-80] Skeins Street Irregulars
  2. N [78-80] Repatriation by Subtraction & N [78-80] Educate Yourself
  3. N [78-80] Dogged Pursuit

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