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Means of Ingress

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NeutralMeans of Ingress
Start Ar'syn
End Ar'syn
Level 78-80
Category The Skeins
Experience 11,600
Rewards 23g 40s


Survey three potential entryways into the Royal Preservatory.

  • Main entrance surveyed
  • Waterway surveyed
  • Rooftop surveyed


Ah, look at you! Just the sort of rogue element I need.

My name is Ary'syn[sic], and I am something of a connoisseur for the fine arts and histories of our people. It is my intent to enter the Royal Preservatory--that's that large enclave just over there-- and rob it blind.

But gracious, the guards will never let me get close enough to survey their security! If only I had someone to help me find a somewhat more subtle way into the building.

<Ar'syn looks at you meaningfully.>


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 11,600 XP









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