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Royal Broker Rez'kal

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MobRoyal Broker Rez'kal
Image of Royal Broker Rez'kal
Gender Male
Race Nerubian spiderlord (Humanoid)
Level 80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Azj-Kahet
Location Royal Preservatorium, City of Threads
Status Killable

Royal Broker Rez'kal is a nerubian spiderlord located in the Royal Preservatorium in the City of Threads.


  • Inv misc questionmark.png Gotcha! — Rez'kal wraps their target in webbing, holding them still while they get close. The lingering webbing reduces the targets speed even after they have broken free.
  • Spell nature earthquake.png Impale — The caster slams down with massive claws, tearing a line of spikes up through the earth in front of themselves. Inflicts X Physical damage to all players hit.

Objective of


Main article: Dogged Pursuit#Notes

Patch changes

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