Doctor Weavil

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MobDoctor Weavil
Image of Doctor Weavil
Gender Male
Race Gnome (Undead)
Level 10-45 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Alcaz Island, Dustwallow Marsh[77.8, 17.4]
Doctor Weavil when he was living before 7.1

Doctor Weavil is an elite undead gnome located on Alcaz Island in Dustwallow Marsh. He was previously a part of the The Scepter of the Shifting Sands quest chain.

He has several Minions of Weavil scattered around his compound, all of which apparently are being mind-controlled by him. He is located at the top of the largest house in the compound.

Doctor Weavil returned for Return to Alcaz Isle, a world event, now tuned for 45 players.


Gates of Ahn'Qiraj

Weavil was an old acquaintance of Narain Soothfancy, both of them formerly being students at the "Gnomeregan Institute of Tinkering". Apparently, Narain caused Weavil to fail out of school by destroying the curves on Weavil's exams. For this, Weavil has a grudge against him.

During the opening of Ahn'Qiraj, the player was asked to recover the  [Blue Scepter Shard] in order to reforge  [The Scepter of the Shifting Sands] to open the gates of Ahn'Qiraj. The adventurer was sent by Anachronos to Azuregos in Azshara who was supposed to hold the shard. Azuregos had however hidden the shard away on a "very special minnow", but explained that the player has to make an  [Arcanite Buoy] in order to catch it. Azuregos supplied the player with his  [Magical Ledger] which described how to make the buoy, and sent the player to Narain (an old acquaintance of him as well) to "make sense of it all". Unfortunately, the book was written in draconic.

In order to read it, Narain required his own book,  [Draconic For Dummies: Volume II] which was hidden away on Land's End Beach where Narain crashed his gyrocopter. Weavil somehow discovered and stole the book, demanding a sum of money as ransom. Unknowing that Weavil is the thief, Narain sent the player to Winterspring (where the money was to be handed over) to trick and defeat the "booknappers". When Weavil showed up, he went into a rage after discovering the setup and ordered Number Two to kill the player before Weavil made his escape in his flying machine. Tearing the book apart, he dropped it's pages all over Azeroth. He eventually returned to Alcaz Island, which Narain used his soothsaying abilities to discover.

The adventurer engaged Weavil there, killing him, and acquired one of the pages along with Weavil's diary which conveniently listed the location of the other pages.

Return to Alcaz Isle

When he died, the second that Dr. Weavil's heart stopped, his ultimate plan was put into motion. After adventurers looted his body, a viscous, yellow fluid slowly filled his veins, and jumper cables were implanted to shock him back to... life. Was this undeath? Alchemical engineering? No one is quite sure, but it left him sallow-skinned and over four times as evil as before.

What's worse, he started an internship program.

Getting there

Alcaz Island is found northeast of Theramore Isle in Dustwallow Marsh. Players that have completed the AllianceTheramore's Fall/HordeTheramore's Fall scenario should find and speak with Zidormi at [55, 49] on the road that exits Theramore Isle to the west to change phases of the zone to the pre-destruction phase.

Alcaz is well-protected by anti-air turrets and will blast unwary players out of the sky. The only access to the island is near the dock on the west side of the isle, where the Spirit Healer can also be found. The Hardened Defense Turrets lining the path to the interior pack a punch, so move carefully or bring healers! Additionally, there are a lot of Proximity Mines hidden in the ground that deal massive damage.

Consider corpse-hopping along the path, taking the right (eastern) fork in the road at [74.8, 17.7] to reach Weavil's main camp.

At Weavil's camp, look for the two-story house on the northeast side. Weavil is found on the top floor of the house, protected by his drudges and the Model GU-4RD-3R guard dog. He respawns every 7-10 minutes and can be looted indefinitely.


  • Spell shadow mindflay.png Mind Shatter 10 yd range — Shatters the minds of nearby enemies, dealing Shadow damage and stunning them for 3 sec. 1.5 sec cast
  • Inv enchant essenceastrallarge.png Drudge Bolt Volley 40 yd range — Deals Nature damage to all enemies and coats then with drudge sludge. 3 sec cast. If completed, players in combat will be debuffed with...
    • Spell yorsahj bloodboil yellow.png Drudge Sludge — Infect the target with the strange drudge infection, increasing Nature damage taken and instantly killing at 10 stacks. 30 sec duration


Weavil no longer has his mind-control ability, so he can be safely soloed. Try to interrupt the Mind Shatter, as it is unlikely players will get to 10 stacks of Drudge Sludge from the Drudge Bolt Volley.

Notable loot

Level 60 information

At level 60, he required 10 people or less to defeat. At level 70, he could be defeated with only a Hunter/Warlock and a Healer. Pet tanks Weavil at a corner, allowing the Healer to stand outside LoS and heal the pet. Hunter/Warlock stands in LoS and DPS. He was soloable by some classes (if not all) at level 80, and is likely soloable by all at level 85.


  • Mind Control - Non-dispellable mind control on the first person on the Doctor's aggro list. The mind controlled player will have greatly enhanced attack power and spell damage. Only one person will be mind controlled at a time.
  • Mind Shatter - 963-1237 Shadow damage AoE to everyone in line of sight. 30 yd range. Also stuns for 2 seconds.


Dr.Weavil Positioning.

The line of sight aspect of this fight is similar to Chromaggus or Instructor Razuvious.

  • Tank him at the corner of a house so that your healers are out of the Doctor's sight but the tanks can be healed.
  • Sheep the mind-controlled person immediately. He will cast first MC after 15sec and second after 2 mins.
  • If a damage dealer loses too much health go to a safe spot and bandage.

At level 80, this fight is easy. He can be killed by two DPS in heroic level gear, one of which is a paladin. The paladin pulls and the second damage dealer attacks to get on the Doctors aggro list. Once the paladin is mind controlled, he bubbles out of it and then you have either 1 minute and 45 seconds or 2 minutes (depending on if the second mind control occurs 2 minutes after the pull or two minutes after the first mind control) to dps him down before the second mind control occurs. The second damage dealer can be a shaman for [Heroism]. It is estimated that roughly 2k dps is needed by each in order to avoid the second mind control. When in doubt, bring a second paladin to taunt at the marker for the second mind control and bubble out of it as well.

Note that he cannot be soloed by any class without a combat pet, and the only classes able to get away from an endless loop of mind control are: Hunter, Warlock, Paladin, and Mage, as Weavil will reset and return to full health when all opponents are dead or mind controlled. (See Tips for methods to escape).

An exception to this is for the Paladin to attack him, then bubble when he casts mind control, and dps him down before the next mind control. He has been successfully soloed in this way by a well-geared Paladin.

Warlocks and Hunters can solo, using judicial use of threat management and pet tanking.

His respawn timer is relatively short, so if someone loots your quest item, just hang around a few minutes and kill him again.


  • There are several ways to make the mind control a non-factor in your fight. Hunter and warlock pets cannot be mind controlled at all, so they can tank the entire fight or tank at the time marker for the mind control.
  • To escape chain Mind Control, players have the following options:
  • Paladins can use bubble and hearth to escape a chain Mind Control.
  • Mages can [Ice Block] and [Polymorph], then hearth out of it or use [Invisibility] to break combat.
  • Warlocks can use [Demonic Circle: Teleport] as soon as the charm wears off to prevent entering combat with Weavil again.
  • Hunters can Freezing Trap and/or Feign Death out of it.
If you fail to hearth away within 15 seconds, you will be Mind Controlled again.

Objective of





  • He may be a reference to Dr. Evil, the antagonist of the Austin Powers movies.

Patch changes

External links