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Image of Clint
Gender Male
Race Gnome (Undead)
Level 45 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Intern
Location Alcaz Island, Dustwallow Marsh
Status Active

Clint is an undead gnome found on Alcaz Island in Dustwallow Marsh. He came to the island to apply as an intern of a resurrected Dr. Weavil.



Oh, woe is me, woe! My life is over!

Do you know who Dr. Weavil is? Was. Might still be? I'm not sure.

Death would not stop him,, no, he had predicted that. Brilliant gnome, the insane ones always are.

The second his heart stopped, the machines he had implanted within himself started up. He was filled with a yellow ooze, and electrified. I'm not sure if it's undeath, alchemical engineering, or something... more.

When we heard about a new internship under the great Dr. Weavil, so many of us flocked to the island to sign up. Now I'm not sure if I'm alive or dead, and I'm leaking yellow ooze. Great.

The others have taken to calling themselves "drudge gnomes." Good luck with them, bunch of jerks.

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