Death's Due

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Death's Due
Ability ardenweald deathknight.png
  • Death's Due
  • Death knight ability
  • 30 yd range
  • 1 Rune
  • 30 sec cooldown
  • Instant
  • Corrupts the targeted ground, causing (39.6% of Attack Power) Shadow damage over 10 sec to targets within the area.

    Blood Blood:
    While you remain within the area, your [Heart Strike] will hit up to 3 additional targets and inflict Death's Due for 12 sec.

    Frost Frost:
    While you remain within the area, your [Obliterate] will hit up to 1 additional target and inflict Death's Due for 12 sec.

    Unholy Unholy:
    While you remain within the area, your Scourge Strike will hit up to 4 enemies near the target and inflict Death's Due for 12 sec.

    [Necrotic Strike]:
    While you remain within the area, your Necrotic Strike and Heart Strike will hit up to 0 additional targets and inflict Death's Due for 12 sec.

    [Clawing Shadows]:
    While you remain within the area, your Heart Strike will hit up to 0 additional targets and inflict Death's Due for 12 sec.

    Death's Due reduces damage enemies deal to you by 2%, up to a maximum of 8% and their power is transferred to you as an equal amount of Strength.
Class Death Knight
School Shadow
Cooldown 30 sec

Death's Due is the death knight class ability of the Night Fae Covenant. It's available to all death knights who join the Night Fae. It replaces [Death and Decay]

This ability is also temporarily available during the Ardenweald portion of the Shadowlands campaign; it's given by the quest N [55-60] Preparing for the Winter Queen and lasts until you finish the Ardenweald storyline.

Patch changes

External links