Dawnblade Summoner

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MobDawnblade Summoner
Image of Dawnblade Summoner
Gender Both
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 25-30
Class Warlock
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Dawnblade
Location Dawnstar Village, Isle of Quel'Danas
Status Killable

Dawnstar Summoners are blood elf warlocks located in Dawnstar Village, on the Isle of Quel'Danas.

They have their Imp Minions with them. The Summoners have a ridiculously strong Incinerate and an Immolate. They also have Fel Armor on them at all times, which increases the damage they deal with spells and effects by 255 or so. If you can, dispel it for it will reduce their damage drastically. Mages should spellsteal it.

Four Dawnblade Summoners are channeling the Bloodcrystal for some as-yet unknown purpose.


  • Spell shadow felarmour.png Fel Armor — Surrounds the caster with fel energy, increasing the amount of health generated through spells and effects by 30% and increasing spell power by 5%. Lasts 30 min.
  • Spell fire immolation.png Immolate — Burns an enemy, then inflicts additional Fire damage every 3 sec. for 15 sec.
  • Spell fire burnout.png Incinerate — Deals Fire damage to your target.
  • Spell shadow summonimp.png Summon Imp — Summons an Imp to accompany the caster until dismissed.

Objective of


One Dawnblade Summoner has a conversation with a neighboring Dawnblade Blood Knight near the Bloodcrystal:

Dawnblade Blood Knight says: So I heard your brother joined the Scryers?
Dawnblade Summoner says: Yeah, he did.
Dawnblade Blood Knight says: Wow, how much do they pay?
Dawnblade Summoner says: Pay? Well, they don't pay anything at all.
Dawnblade Blood Knight says: What? Why would he do a fool thing like that?
Dawnblade Summoner says: Yeah, I could never do that. The pay's too good here.
Dawnblade Blood Knight says: Sounds like a bunch of rotten Hawkstrider eggs to me.
Dawnblade Summoner says: Nice. Now, that's the life...
Dawnblade Blood Knight says: Yeah. I hope to retire next month to a little tract of land I bought off the coast of Azeroth.

Another conversation can also be overheard:

Dawnblade Summoner says: ... did you see how Kael'thas looked?
Dawnblade Blood Knight says: Yes. He hasn't been the same since the attack on Tempest Keep.
Dawnblade Summoner says: He was beaten and left for dead. If Priestess Delrissa hadn't arrived when she did, who knows what might have happened!
Dawnblade Blood Knight says: That look in his eyes now... it scares me.
Dawnblade Summoner says: Yes, but we will follow him to the end. It's our duty to hold this sanctuary while he prepares.
Dawnblade Blood Knight says: Prepares? Prepares for what?
Dawnblade Summoner says: His... return.
Dawnblade Blood Knight gasps.

A third, this time between two summoners:

Dawnblade Summoner says: ... The Black Temple is under siege?
Dawnblade Summoner says: The forces of the Aldor and Scryers stormed the citadel shortly after Akama and his foul brethren slew Al'ar. It's a good thing we left Illidan as soon as we did.
Dawnblade Summoner says: I had heard that a score of them broke into The Eye and slew him.
Dawnblade Summoner says: Twenty? Impossible, it couldn't have been less than forty.
Dawnblade Summoner says: Well, maybe it was more like a hundred...
Dawnblade Summoner says: It's only a matter of time before that dog, Akama, betrays the Betrayer as well...

Patch changes

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