Taking the Harbor

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The subject of this article or section is part of the Shattered Sun Offensive storyline and was removed at the commencement of phase 4. The in-game information in this article or section is kept for historical purposes, and for players on new realms that have not yet completed the world event.
NeutralTaking the Harbor
Start Magister Ilastar
End Magister Ilastar
Level 70
Type Daily
Category Isle of Quel'Danas
Experience 7g 59s
Reputation +250 Shattered Sun Offensive
Rewards 4g 40s
Repeatable Yes

Taking the Harbor is part of the Shattered Sun Offensive storyline. Once players have recovered the Sun's Reach Harbor, N [25-30 Daily] Crush the Dawnblade replaces this quest.


Magister Ilastar at Sun's Reach Armory wants you to slay 6 Dawnblade Summoners, 6 Dawnblade Blood Knights and 3 Dawnblade Marksmen.


One of Kael's most elite forces, the Dawnblade army, has been stationed at the Sun's Reach Harbor and Dawnstar Village.

The harbor is of critical importance to our plans, so any Dawnblade casualties you inflict will be of tremendous help. Kael'thas will rue the day that he turned his back on his people and sided with the Burning Legion.


You will receive: 4g 40s


Have you slain the Dawnblade scum, <name>?


Excellent work, <class>. Kael's armies will falter and once we take the harbor we shall deliver the killing blow!

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