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Dawn Interface

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NeutralDawn Interface
Image of Dawn Interface
Race Projection (Mechanical)
Level Hall of Awakening
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Analysis Interface, Hall of Awakening
Status Active

The Dawn Interface is located in the Analysis Interface in the Hall of Awakening. It is managed by Machinist Kromleg and carried by the Helpful Haulbot. It provides info on a number of topics that might be relevant for newly awakened earthen.



Greetings, <name>. Welcome to the Analysis Interface Chamber.

I am the Dawn Interface, a re-calibrated, interactive repository designed to help all awakened earthen with any inquiries you may have.

How may I assist?

Gossip I'd like to learn about earthen designations.

Which designation would you like to inquire about?

Gossip Tell me about the Artisans.

Artisans were among the most crucial units assigned to Sector AR-938 and its territories.

With an adaptive mind, keen eye and steady hand as their primary functions, Artisans were responsible for manufacturing the everyday necessities required by all designations.

These crafters and work hands worked With all manner of material, including ore, cloth, flora, elemental substrate and magical substances.

Artisan units were assigned to primary work sites such as Dornogal, Gundargaz, and the many Stonebound depots across Sector AR-938.

Gossip Tell me about the Ordinants.

Infused with the blessing of the forge, the Ordinants served as the elite forgemasters of the earthen.

With the perfection of order imbued into their armaments, the Ordinants charge was ensuring every designation of earthen was equipped to carry out their duty. Failure to fortify, arm and protect with their craft was to fail all earthen.

To ensure all designations benefited from their ordered purpose, these units were chosen by the Stoneward, charged to the Councilward and deployed to serve the various branches within earthen society.

Their altruistic devotion to upholding their charge often resulted in expedited life cycles, leading to prolonged periods of stasis-lock.

Many Ordinants await reawakening within the Stonevault.

Gossip Tell me about the Machinist of the Deeps.

The Machinists Of the Deeps were the operational support units of the subterranean work sites within Sector AR-938.

These workers were dedicated to the installation and maintenance of the many machines and vaults within and below the Ringing Deeps.

At the direction of the Machine Speakers, these units served as work hands, laborers, smiths and machine operators.

Machinists of the Deeps were deployed to key sites such as Taelloch, Gundargaz, Ironhaul Station and the Earthenworks facility.

Gossip Tell me about the Stonebound.

The Stonebound were the largest workforce of the earthen units on the surface levels of Sector AR-938.

Charged with carving out the work sites around the sector, the Stonebound led the effort to build the critical structures and the foundation of Dornogal and the Coreway.

Under the command of the Stoneward, the Stonebound workforce included laborers, miners, builders, and geomenders that operated within the many cregs, quarries, and work sites around the sector.

Gossip Tell me about the Peacekeepers.

The Peacekeepers were assigned as the protective ground units to safeguard the fortress city of Dornogal and support the Stormriders. Martial training was required as necessary, although combat and warfare was uncommon within the immediate city limits.

Those designated as Peacekeepers could be assigned to various sectors within Dornogal. On rare occasions, Peacekeepers would accompany the Stormriders into the Coreway to deal with unexpected threats.

In addition to operating within Dornogal and around the Coreway, some Peacekeepers may be deployed to the Dhar Watchtowers bordering the outer limits of sector AR-938.

Gossip Tell me about the Storm riders.

Following the events of incident report 605-D9, the Stormrider designation was instituted in an effort to keep the Coreway and the surrounding sector safe from exterior threats.

Utilizing newly-bound storm elementals (referred to as "stormrooks") the Stormriders were calibrated with militant prowess and strategic awareness in order to execute their assigned designation.

The Stormriders were originally assigned to the western watchtower of Dhar Oztan. Following the construction of Storm's Watch, Stormriders were assigned to multiple sites around their patrol district within Sector AR-938.

Gossip Tell me about the Machine Speakers.

The Machine Speakers were assigned to maintain and expand the many vaults and machines hidden within Sector AR-938.

Primarily found within the Ringing Deeps and along the Coreway, the Machine Speakers use their prowess and mastery over the ancient machines to govern the subterranean work sites and workers within.

This designation included the ranks of foreman, Speaker, and High Speaker. With the High Speaker serving on the Dornogal Council as the representative of this designation, it was by his directive that all Machine Speakers and workers carried out their duty with strict adherence.

Machine Speakers are found within the Earthenworks, the Waterworks, the Golemworks and the Stonevault.

Gossip I have another inquiry.

Gossip Tell me about the Archivists.

Before the Archive within Dornogal was initialized, the Archivists, sometimes referred to as Compilers, were assigned the task of recording all incident reports, project interruptions, or general site related updates.

Upon the completion of the Archive within Dornogal, the Archivists were assigned the role of organizing the information extracted trom earthen memory gems.

Archivists were assigned to key locations around Sector AR-938 to maintain records of ongoing events. These locations included Dornogal, the Ringing Deeps, the Stormperch, and the Stonevault.

Additional information on the Archivists and the Archive has been encrypted under Protocol 141-LAK-1R1.

Gossip I have another inquiry.

Gossip Tell me about the Caretakers.

Upon the completion of the Stonevault's construction. the Caretakers were designated as the custodians and stewards of the earthen life cycle.

Within the Hall of Awakening, Caretakers would tend to the earthen emerging from stasis, while others would oversee and monitor those stored within the expansive halls of the Stonevault.

As active earthen drew closer to stasis-lock, Caretakers were assigned to the field to guide and, in some cases, transport them to the Stonevault to recharge their cycle anew.

As all designations were expected to adhere to the Stasis and Awakening Protocol. Caretakers were assigned to all branches of earthen society including the Stormriders, the Stonebound, and the Machine Speakers.

Gossip I have another inquiry.

Gossip Tell me about the Freysworn.

Freysworn Designation is not formally recognized by the Stonevault Repository.

Advisory override has been enabled.

Do you wish to input another inquiry?

Gossip I wish to bypass all advisory overrides that have been enabled.

Advisory override successful.

Archived information reveals that the Freysworn were unofficially designated with the terraforming of Sector AR-938 's aqueducts during the initial construction of Site 0.

Following the completion of the Stonevault, the Freysworn were eventually deemed redundant and recalled to the Hall of Awakening for stasis.

Due to their unregistered calibrations, the original recalled Freysworn were not reassigned and have remained within the Stonevault until the Machines recent reawakening.

Subsequent reports of Freysworn existing on the surface over the course of history can be attributed to a vulnerable group of earthen exposed to a data breach in the form of unsanctioned edicts.

Gossip I have another inquiry.

Gossip I have another inquiry.

Gossip What are you?

I am a projected manifestation of the internal repository belonging to an Archive databank.

By the suggestions of Dawn, Machinist Kromleg re-calibrated my informational security protocols to override most inquiries surrounding assigned designation and purpose.

Would you like to inquire about earthen designations? I'd like to learn about earthen designations.

Gossip I'd like to learn about earthen designations.
Gossip I have another inquiry.

Patch changes

External links