Lord Stormsong

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For the Shrine of the Storm encounter, see Lord Stormsong (tactics).
For other uses, see Stormsong (disambiguation).
MobColm Stormsong
Image of Colm Stormsong
Title Lord
Gender Male
Race(s) K'thir (formerly human) (Humanoid)
Level 30-60 Elite
Class Tidesage
Reaction Alliance
Affiliation(s) Drowned Council, House Stormsong, Nazjatar Empire
Former affiliation(s) Kul Tiras
Occupation Ruler of House Stormsong
Location Stormsong Valley; Shrine of the Storm
Status Deceased (lore)
Killable Battle for Azeroth
Relative(s) Brannon (nephew)

Lord Colm Stormsong[1] was the patriarch of House Stormsong and a master in water magic.[2] He claimed that he sought to take control of the shattered Kul Tiras and restore it to its former glory, seeing the elite of Boralus as haughty folk who give nothing in return for his people's work. Colm withdrew from the rest of Kul Tiras in the months preceding the arrival of the Grand Alliance due to his growing disdain for the elite of Boralus. With his withdrawal went the Tidesages that followed him.[1]

In his eyes, Kul Tiras would forever belong to the people and the Tidesages will guide them.[3] Taelia Fordragon led an effort against Lord Stormsong and his cultists, including Wavespeaker Reid,[4] across Stormsong Valley with the help of the Alliance emissary, Brother Pike, and Samuel Williams. Confronted at the Shrine of the Storm, Lord Stormsong killed Pyke's militiamen and corrupted Samuel who was transformed into Azshj'thul the Drowned, before teleporting away and revealting the truth: Lord Stormsong fell under the sway of Queen Azshara[5] and her master. He was a very kind person before the whispers took him.[6] When confronted by the Alliance ambassadors, he revealed that he knew the location of the missing Kul Tiran fleet, and had purposefully been shrouding it in darkness so that it could eventually be brought under control of Azshara and the Old Gods. On orders of Brother Pike,[7] Alliance heroes entered the Shrine of the Storm and found Lord Stormsong as a k'thir before the battle. The Alliance then defeated Lord Stormsong as well as Vol'zith the Whisperer, one of the sources of corruption within the shrine.[8]

His nephew, Brannon Stormsong appears to take command of the House. He had no idea of his uncle's corruption, as he personally faced it in his station of Anglepoint Wharf and was preparing to alert his uncle of the treachery.[9]


Main article: Sealed Fate#Notes
Main article: Storm's End (quest)#Notes

Notes and trivia


Patch changes

See also

  • Image of Lord Stormsong


External links