Category:API functions/restricted
- 👉See also: Object security
Addons and macro scripts are insecure code and are bound by different measures of restrictions when calling API functions. If taint spreads to the rest of the UI this will render Blizzard code insecure too.
APIs which cannot be called by insecure code. Fires ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN.
/run JumpOrAscendStart()
*** ForceTaint_Strong ***
means it was called from a /run script, otherwise this would normally be the addon name.
APIs which require a hardware event (like the user clicking a button). Fires ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED.
/run C_Timer.After(0, function() SetCurrentTitle(47) end) -- does not work
APIs which cannot be called in combat. Fires ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED.
/run CreateMacro("test", 136243) -- does not work in combat
Widget APIs which cannot be called on secure frames in combat. Fires ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED.
/run ActionButton1:Hide() -- does not work in combat
Widget APIs which cannot be called on restricted frames such as nameplates. Throws a Lua error.
/dump NamePlate1:GetBottom() -- Error: [string "return NamePlate1:GetBottom()"]:1: Action[FrameMeasurement] failed because[Can't measure restricted regions]: attempted from: NamePlate1:GetBottom().
APIs which cannot be called directly from a /run script or WeakAura. Fires ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED or silently fails, depending on the API.
/run C_AuctionHouse.SearchForFavorites({}) -- does not work and also bricks the AH in the process
Putting it inside a function in an addon and then calling it manually works.
function Example() -- /run Example()
-- or as a button
local btn = CreateFrame("Button", nil, UIParent, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
btn:SetSize(120, 40)
btn:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button)
Pages in category "API functions/restricted"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 214 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- API AcceptBattlefieldPort
- API AcceptProposal
- API AcceptSpellConfirmationPrompt
- API AcceptTrade
- API AssistUnit
- API AttackTarget
- API C AuctionHouse.CancelAuction
- API C AuctionHouse.PlaceBid
- API C AuctionHouse.PostCommodity
- API C AuctionHouse.PostItem
- API C AuctionHouse.QueryOwnedAuctions
- API C AuctionHouse.RequestMoreBrowseResults
- API C AuctionHouse.SearchForFavorites
- API C AuctionHouse.SendBrowseQuery
- API C AuctionHouse.SendSearchQuery
- API C AuctionHouse.SendSellSearchQuery
- API C AuctionHouse.StartCommoditiesPurchase
- API C BlackMarket.ItemPlaceBid
- API C Calendar.AddEvent
- API C Calendar.UpdateEvent
- API C Club.AcceptInvitation
- API C Club.CreateClub
- API C Club.CreateTicket
- API C Club.KickMember
- API C Club.RedeemTicket
- API C Club.SendCharacterInvitation
- API C Club.SendInvitation
- API C Club.SendMessage
- API C Club.SetClubMemberNote
- API C Container.UseHearthstone
- API C CovenantSanctumUI.DepositAnima
- API C CraftingOrders.RequestCrafterOrders
- API C EquipmentSet.UseEquipmentSet
- API C FriendList.AddFriend
- API C FriendList.SendWho
- API C GuildInfo.Demote
- API C GuildInfo.Disband
- API C GuildInfo.Invite
- API C GuildInfo.Leave
- API C GuildInfo.Promote
- API C GuildInfo.SetLeader
- API C GuildInfo.Uninvite
- API C Item.ConfirmBindOnUse
- API C Item.UseItemByName
- API C ItemUpgrade.UpgradeItem
- API C LFGList.ApplyToGroup
- API C LFGList.ClearSearchResults
- API C LFGList.CreateListing
- API C LFGList.GetPlaystyleString
- API C LFGList.RemoveListing
- API C LFGList.Search
- API C Map.GetPlayerMapPosition
- API C MountJournal.ApplyMountEquipment
- API C PetBattles.SkipTurn
- API C PetBattles.UseAbility
- API C PetBattles.UseTrap
- API C PetJournal.PickupPet
- API C PetJournal.SummonPetByGUID
- API C Ping.SendMacroPing
- API C Ping.TogglePingListener
- API C PingSecure.ClearPendingPingInfo
- API C PingSecure.CreateFrame
- API C PingSecure.DisplayError
- API C PingSecure.GetTargetPingReceiver
- API C PingSecure.GetTargetWorldPing
- API C PingSecure.GetTargetWorldPingAndSend
- API C PingSecure.SendPing
- API C PingSecure.SetPendingPingOffScreenCallback
- API C PingSecure.SetPingCooldownStartedCallback
- API C PingSecure.SetPingPinFrameAddedCallback
- API C PingSecure.SetPingPinFrameRemovedCallback
- API C PingSecure.SetPingPinFrameScreenClampStateUpdatedCallback
- API C PingSecure.SetPingRadialWheelCreatedCallback
- API C PingSecure.SetSendMacroPingCallback
- API C PingSecure.SetTogglePingListenerCallback
- API C PlayerInteractionManager.InteractUnit
- API C ReportSystem.InitiateReportPlayer
- API C ReportSystem.SendReport
- API C ReportSystem.SendReportPlayer
- API C Social.TwitterCheckStatus
- API C Social.TwitterConnect
- API C Social.TwitterDisconnect
- API C TradeSkillUI.CraftRecipe
- API C TradeSkillUI.OpenTradeSkill
- API C Traits.TalentTestUnlearnSpells
- API C UI.Reload
- API CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart
- API CameraOrSelectOrMoveStop
- API CancelItemTempEnchantment
- API CancelLogout
- API CancelShapeshiftForm
- API CancelUnitBuff
- API CastPetAction
- API CastShapeshiftForm
- API CastSpell
- API CastSpellByName
- API ChangeActionBarPage
- API CheckInteractDistance
- API ClearOverrideBindings
- API ClearTarget
- API CopyToClipboard
- API CreateMacro
- API DeclineSpellConfirmationPrompt
- API DeleteCursorItem
- API DeleteMacro
- API DescendStop
- API DestroyTotem
- API EditMacro
- API FocusUnit
- API FollowUnit
- API ForceLogout
- API ForceQuit
- API Frame GetBoundsRect
- API Frame SetHitRectInsets
- API Frame SetPropagateKeyboardInput
- API Frame SetToplevel
- API FrameScriptObject SetForbidden
- API GetPlayerFacing
- API GuildControlSetRank
- API GuildControlSetRankFlag
- API GuildDemote
- API GuildInvite
- API GuildPromote
- API GuildUninvite
- API JoinBattlefield
- API JumpOrAscendStart
- API LaunchURL
- API Logout
- API MoveBackwardStart
- API MoveBackwardStop
- API MoveForwardStart
- API MoveForwardStop
- API PetAssistMode
- API PetAttack
- API PetDefensiveAssistMode
- API PetDefensiveMode
- API PetFollow
- API PetPassiveMode
- API PetStopAttack
- API PetWait
- API PickupAction
- API PickupCompanion
- API PickupInventoryItem
- API PickupMacro
- API PickupPetAction
- API PickupSpell
- API PickupSpellBookItem
- API PortGraveyard
- API PostAuction
- API ProcessExceptionClient
- API Quit
- API ReplaceEnchant
- API ReplaceTradeEnchant
- API RunMacro
- API RunMacroText
- API ScriptRegion GetLeft
- API ScriptRegion GetRect
- API ScriptRegion Hide
- API ScriptRegion SetPassThroughButtons
- API ScriptRegion SetShown
- API ScriptRegion Show
- API ScriptRegionResizing AdjustPointsOffset
- API ScriptRegionResizing ClearPointsOffset
- API ScriptRegionResizing GetPoint
- API ScriptRegionResizing SetPoint
- API SearchLFGJoin
- API SendChatMessage
- API SendMail
- API SetBinding
- API SetBindingClick
- API SetBindingItem
- API SetBindingMacro
- API SetBindingSpell
- API SetCurrentTitle
- API SetMoveEnabled
- API SetOverrideBinding
- API SetOverrideBindingClick
- API SetOverrideBindingItem
- API SetOverrideBindingMacro
- API SetOverrideBindingSpell
- API SetRaidSubgroup
- API SetTurnEnabled
- API SitStandOrDescendStart
- API SpellStopCasting
- API SpellStopTargeting
- API SpellTargetUnit
- API StrafeLeftStart
- API StrafeLeftStop
- API StrafeRightStart
- API StrafeRightStop
- API Stuck
- API SwapRaidSubgroup
- API TargetLastEnemy
- API TargetLastTarget
- API TargetNearestEnemy
- API TargetNearestFriend
- API TargetUnit
- API ToggleAutoRun
- API ToggleRun
- API TurnLeftStart