Winna Hazzard

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MobWinna Hazzard
Image of Winna Hazzard
Gender Female
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Former affiliation(s) Undercity, Horde
Location Bloodvenom Post, Felwood
Status Killable

Winna Hazzard is a Forsaken found at Bloodvenom Post in Felwood. She was accompanied by her kitten and had a penchant for laughing maniacally. Upon assisting and giving Winna the  [Filled Flasket], she fed her kitten the liquid, transforming it into a Corrupted Cat.

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With her experiments on the slimes, she transformed all the inhabitants of Bloodvenom Post into Bloodvenom Slimeslaves, except for Altsoba Ragetotem. Kelnir Leafsong sent adventurers to kill her.


  • Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Poison Bolt — Shoots poison at an enemy, inflicting Nature damage.
  • Spell fire felflamestrike.png Toxic Slime — Gushes toxic slime, burning all nearby enemies for 247 Nature damage and dealing 22 Nature damage to creatures in the area every 3 sec. for 9 sec.

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Retail Classic