Dawnchaser Brave

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HordeDawnchaser Brave

Dawnchaser Brave.jpg

Dawnchaser Brave female.jpg

Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Level 30-35 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Thunder Bluff, Dawnchaser tribe
Occupation Brave
Location In front of the Shrine of Two Moons, Vale of Eternal Blossoms

Dawnchaser Braves are tauren of the Dawnchaser tribe found in Dawnchaser Retreat in the Krasarang Wilds as well as alongside Sunwalker Dezco and Nala in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, guarding the Shrine of Two Moons against attackers.


  • Ability marksmanship.png Shoot — Shoots at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage.


Dawnchaser Retreat gossip
  • I thought I saw eyes in the underbrush...
  • This is a strange land. So beautiful. And yet so deadly.
  • Dezco is a great chieftain, though I'm beginning to doubt how well we can survive in this land he led us to.

Patch changes

External links