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For the pirate ship, see Bloodwake (ship).
Main leader IconSmall Vrykul Male.gif Jorun, the Bloodwake
Race(s) VrykulVrykul Vrykul
Character classes Marauder, Mystic
Base of operations Jorundall
Theater of operations Great Sea[1]
Language(s) Vrykul
Status Active

The Bloodwake are a clan[2] of vrykul raiders located on different Island Expeditions: The Dread Chain, Havenswood, Jorundall, Molten Cay, The Rotting Mire, Skittering Hollow, Un'gol Ruins, Whispering Reef and Verdant Wilds.

Vydhar says the Bloodwake is a fleet, some say thousands of ships large, that floats on the Great Sea, led by the greatest raider to ever live. His name is Jorun, the Bloodwake. Long ago he left Stormheim to seek a life at sea. He lives only to raid, never in one place for long.[1] The island of Jorundall is inhabited by the vrykul.[3]

The Bloodwake are also encountered on the Siren Isle.




This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

The vrykul's island of Jorundall seems to be named after the leader of the Bloodwake vrykul Jorun.


  1. ^ a b N [10-50] Bloodwake Drinking Horn
  2. ^ Horvuld Oceanscythe says: The clan will avenge me...
  3. ^  [Jorundall Salvage]