Bloodwake Drinking Horn (quest)

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NeutralBloodwake Drinking Horn
Start  [Bloodwake Drinking Horn]
End Vydhar
Level 10-50
Category Island Expedition
Experience 8,230
Rewards  [Radiant Azerite Fragment] (700x Azerite)
11g 70s


Bring the horn to the wise Vydhar.


<A large drinking horn taken from one of the Bloodwake vrykul.

The sturdy craftsmanship has allowed it to survive many years of hard travel on the Great Sea.

As you hold the horn, you remember how fervently the vrykul you encountered were after the Azerite, but to what end?

Other vrykul tribes may know more about the Bloodwake and their motivations.>


You will receive:


<Vydhar's leaves shake as you approach.>

I sense a good story approaches, what do you seek? Answers, I know, about the Bloodwake.

There is a fleet, some say thousands of ships large, that floats on the Great Sea, led by the greatest raider to ever live. His name is Jorun, the Bloodwake.

Long ago he left us to seek a life at sea. He lives only to raid, never in one place for long.

Perhaps you, too will see him one day.

This old one thanks you for visiting. Take these minerals from my roots.

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