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Aylaag Camp

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Aylaag Camp

Aylaag Camp is an event taking place in the Ohn'ahran Plains, available after reaching Renown 4 with the Maruuk Centaur and completing N [10-70] Call of the Plains. The centaur caravan moves around the area, setting camps and unlocking quests.

The camp is denoted by the Aylaag Camp (zone map) icon:

Aylaag Camp has stopped at this location for the time being.
New Clan Aylaag quests can be found in this area.



The caravan consists of NPCs:

Locations and quests

The caravan moves between three locations. The quest givers provide different quests at each stop. Four quests are always available at a time.

Aylaag Outpost

Eaglewatch Outpost

River camp

Scenario: Clan Aylaag's Caravan

Twice a week, the centaur break camp and move the caravan to a new destination, starting a scenario with 6 stages. When the scenario starts, the map icon description changes to a moving Aylaag Caravan, and a zone-wide message appears:

The horns of Aylaag ring out as the clan begins to move.

The main objective of the scenario is to defend the Caravan Resources (100%).

Stage 1, 3, 5: Defend Clan Aylaag

Clan Aylaag has begun to move to their next location and could use extra defense.

Stage 2, 4: Beast Ambush!

Aggressive beasts have been attacked by the caravan! Clear them out!

Final Assault

Clan Aylaag has drawn the ire of an impressively powerful beast. Defend the caravan!




  • When the camp is by the river in southern Ohn'ahran Plains, the  [Duck Trap Kit] spawns.

Patch changes