The Otter Side

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NeutralThe Otter Side
Start Huntmaster Malkik
End Huntmaster Malkik
Level 10-70
Category Ohn'ahran Plains
Experience 9,350
Reputation +150 Maruuk Centaur
Rewards [Dragon Isles Supply Cache]


Bring 3 Gargantuan River Otters back to Clan Aylaag.


To the northeast, there are a system of otter burrows along the bank. Some of the otters there are blessed by the river to grow to magnificent sizes.

I will not have you hunting these blessings out of respect. Instead you will bring them back here, alive, so that we may treat them with the reverence they deserve.


You will receive:


Remember, they must be returned alive.


Fine creatures. We will make use of everything they have to offer.


Find and mount three Gargantuan River Otters at the Reedwhistle Bay. If they are not at the river, look for Otter Burrows on the shore to draw them out. Each needs to be brought back to the camp individually. When the otter starts roaming free, use the Strengthen Grip ability. Each otter needs to be brought to the camp in under three minutes, which is the timer of the Wrangling an Otter debuff.

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