Artisanal Aging

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NeutralArtisanal Aging
Start Agapanthus
End Agapanthus
Level 60-70
Category Little Scales Daycare
Experience 9,050
Rewards 10x [Flightstones]
25g 74s
Previous N [60-70] Nothing Like a Sandy Nap
Next N [60-70] Here? There? Everywhere!


Buy Temporal Parmesan from Gorgonzormu in Valdrakken for the Bronze Hatchling.


I have been learning much about bronze dragons since arriving in Valdrakken. While they take their charge of time seriously, they have found many hobbies for their free time that their magic can aid them with.

My friend Gorgonzormu swears by his cheeses for all stages of dragon life. He mentioned that he has a type of parmesan that is excellent for bronze whelps. It seems that our hatchling's first meal is figured out!


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 9,050 XP
Flightstone-dragonflight.png 10x [Flightstones]


Cheese is best when aged over time, but bronze dragons have perfected rapid aging with their control of time!


Not only can bronze dragons age cheese quickly, but they can also digest it more rapidly!


Cheese bought
Gorgonzormu says: Now, this cheese is perfect for a growing bronze whelp. They will eat it precisely when they need it, and not a moment before or after!
Speaking with the Bronze Hatchling
<The bronze hatchling sniffs loudly.>
Are you wearing perfume?
Gossip (Quest) Are you hungry?


  1. Day 1
    1. N [60-70] Eggs in Abundance
    2. N [60-70] Whelptender's Wisdom
    3. N [60-70] Daycare Director Agapanthus
    4. N [60-70] Snack Run, N [60-70] A Nurturing Environment, N [60-70] A Lesson in Responsibility
    5. N [60-70] The Obsidian Hatchling, N [60-70] Warmth and Comfort
  2. Day 2
  3. Day 3: N [60-70] What's a Duck?
  4. Day 4
    1. N [60-70] A Solid Pet
    2. N [60-70] Anatidaephobia
    3. N [60-70] The Ruby Hatchling
    4. N [60-70] Crimson Comfort
  5. Day 5: N [60-70] Warm Dragonfruit Pie, N [60-70] You're Playing Wrong!
  6. Day 6: N [60-70] I'm the Boss!
  7. Day 7
    1. N [60-70] A Cavalier Pet
    2. N [60-70] Patience, Please
    3. N [60-70] The Bronze Hatchling
    4. N [60-70] Nothing Like a Sandy Nap
  8. Day 8: N [60-70] Artisanal Aging, N [60-70] Here? There? Everywhere!
  9. Day 9: N [60-70] Sneezing Through Time
  10. Day 10
    1. N [60-70] A Scaly Pet
    2. N [60-70] Temporal Immunity
    3. N [60-70] The Azure Hatchling
    4. N [60-70] A Scholar's Delight
  11. Day 11: N [60-70] Crystal Nutrition, N [60-70] Well, Actually...
  12. Day 12: N [60-70] New Lenses
  13. Day 13
    1. N [60-70] A Scholar's Pet
    2. N [60-70] Sight Isn't Everything
    3. N [60-70] The Emerald Hatchling
    4. N [60-70] Home Sweet Dirt
  14. Day 14: N [60-70] Hochenblume Harvest, N [60-70] So... Tired...
  15. Day 15: N [60-70] A Green Who Can't Sleep?
  16. Day 16: N [60-70] A Sleepy Pet, N [60-70] Hibernation

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