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For the pet, see  [Zhusadormu].

Zhusadormu (NPC).png

Zhusadormu's drake form.jpg

Zhusadormu's dragon form.jpg

Zhusadormu - Visage.jpg

Gender Male
Race Bronze whelp (Dragonkin)
Level 70 Normal / Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bronze dragonflight
Location Little Scales Daycare, Valdrakken
Status Alive

Zhusadormu, or just Zhusa, is a bronze whelp located at the Little Scales Daycare in the Valdrakken. He was hatched at the Bronze Oathstone before being brought to the daycare. He is allergic to many things and frequently teleported through time whenever he sneezed but he eventually learned to control it.


Objective of


  • A bronze hornswog who doesn't make me sneeze. His name is Annuna.
  • ACHOO!
  • And later he will win a fight against a mean plant that makes me sneeze, but I will not disappear because you teach me to hold onto our time.
  • CHOO!!!
  • Did you say... feathers?
  • Dragonfruit?! Oh no...
  • Hmm it smells like... like...
  • Hochen... blume?
  • I... I'm gonna try to get back to... ah...
  • I know. I sneezed here before.
  • I saw me do it, but I don't know how I did it.
  • I will be close by, but they want you to help in case I sneeze.
  • I will try.
  • Oh, ah, I feel one coming...
  • <Sniff.> I've got... a bad feeling... a... a...
  • The mean plant will throw pollen and I will sneeze, but I won't disappear this time.
  • The outdoors has pollen, but the indoors has dust. ...Nowhere is a good hiding spot!
  • Uh oh!
  • Uh oh... I think I'm... aller... a... ahh...
  • We are going to have a pet battle, but you are going to do it for me, <name>.

Patch changes

External links

Zhusadormu Bronze Hatchling