New Lenses

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NeutralNew Lenses
Start Agapanthus
End Agapanthus
Level 10-70
Category Little Scales Daycare
Experience 9,050
Rewards 10x [Flightstones]
25g 74s
Previous N [10-70] Well, Actually...
Next N [10-70] A Scholar's Pet


Bring Zalethgos to the Victorious Visage in Valdrakken to find a suitable pair of glasses.


Zalethgos is a bright child, but as he has gotten older we have realized something very clear about him.

He has terrible eyesight!

He is constantly speaking of things being fuzzy and of not being able to tell where one thing ends and the next begins.

There is a salon just across the bridge in Valdrakken. Please, accompany Zalethgos to try to find him the perfect pair of glasses to aid his vision.


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 9,050 XP
Flightstone-dragonflight.png 10x [Flightstones]


I look forward to Zalethgos learning that sharp edges exist!


Zaleth seems absolutely thrilled with his new spectacles! He will surely flourish now.


Summon Zalethgos with the whistle and speak with Varastrasza:

Gossip (Quest) My whelp here is looking for some glasses.
Varastrasza says: Oh, the little darling! Yes, come with me. We have a small selection of spectacles for you to peruse.
Varastrasza approaches a table with Dark Blue Shades, Rhinestone Sunglasses, and Dazzling Spectacles.
Zalethgos says: Ooh, I get CHOICES? Neat!
Varastrasza says: Please, try on whichever glasses you wish. I am certain we will find the perfect pair.
Dark Blue Shades
Varastrasza says: Ah, I believe those will look quite lovely on you.
Zalethgos says: Let me try!
Zalethgos says: Whoa... why is everything so faded? I can't see any colors!
Varastrasza says: Hmm, clearly those will not suffice. Let us try another pair.
Rhinestone Sunglasses
Varastrasza says: Now these are some of my favorites. I have a pair at home!
Zalethgos says: Gimme, gimme, gimme!
Zalethgos says: Hey, pink is my favorite color! Things still don't look quite right, though.
Varastrasza says: Ah, perhaps another pair then.
Dazzling Spectacles
Varastrasza says: This pair is understated, but quite stylish still.
Zalethgos says: Will they make me only see half good?
Zalethgos says: So... blurry...
Varastrasza says: These simply will not do.
Varastrasza says: Well, I am quite at a loss. These are the only glasses we have.
Theladre approaches.
Theladre says: Wait! I have one more to try!
Zalethgos says: These... are...
Zalethgos says: PERFECT! Is this what seeing is?
Varastrasza says: Well done, Theladre! Another happy dragon in the city.
Upon completion
Agapanthus says: We have done all we can for today <name>. Come back tomorrow if you can. I am certain we will have need of you.


  1. Day 1
    1. N [10-70] Eggs in Abundance
    2. N [10-70] Whelptender's Wisdom
    3. N [10-70] Daycare Director Agapanthus
    4. N [10-70] Snack Run, N [10-70] A Nurturing Environment, N [10-70] A Lesson in Responsibility
    5. N [10-70] The Obsidian Hatchling, N [10-70] Warmth and Comfort
  2. Day 2
  3. Day 3: N [10-70] What's a Duck?
  4. Day 4
    1. N [10-70] A Solid Pet
    2. N [10-70] Anatidaephobia
    3. N [10-70] The Ruby Hatchling
    4. N [10-70] Crimson Comfort
  5. Day 5: N [10-70] Warm Dragonfruit Pie, N [10-70] You're Playing Wrong!
  6. Day 6: N [10-70] I'm the Boss!
  7. Day 7
    1. N [10-70] A Cavalier Pet
    2. N [10-70] Patience, Please
    3. N [10-70] The Bronze Hatchling
    4. N [10-70] Nothing Like a Sandy Nap
  8. Day 8: N [10-70] Artisanal Aging, N [10-70] Here? There? Everywhere!
  9. Day 9: N [10-70] Sneezing Through Time
  10. Day 10
    1. N [10-70] A Scaly Pet
    2. N [10-70] Temporal Immunity
    3. N [10-70] The Azure Hatchling
    4. N [10-70] A Scholar's Delight
  11. Day 11: N [10-70] Crystal Nutrition, N [10-70] Well, Actually...
  12. Day 12: N [10-70] New Lenses
  13. Day 13
    1. N [10-70] A Scholar's Pet
    2. N [10-70] Sight Isn't Everything
    3. N [10-70] The Emerald Hatchling
    4. N [10-70] Home Sweet Dirt
  14. Day 14: N [10-70] Hochenblume Harvest, N [10-70] So... Tired...
  15. Day 15: N [10-70] A Green Who Can't Sleep?
  16. Day 16: N [10-70] A Sleepy Pet, N [10-70] Hibernation

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