Warmth and Comfort

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NeutralWarmth and Comfort
Start Lasztak
End Agapanthus
Level 10-70
Category Little Scales Daycare
Experience 9,050
Rewards 10x [Flightstones]
25g 74s
Previous N [10-70] Snack Run, N [10-70] A Nurturing Environment, N [10-70] A Lesson in Responsibility
Next N [10-70] A Home-Cooked Meal & N [10-70] Tag, You're Anxious


Gather supplies for the Obsidian Hatchling's nest.


In order for the obsidian hatchling to be comfortable, we must build them a proper nest.

You will need to build their nest from Obsidian Citadel coal to make sure it is warm and suitable. Secondly, Archivist Edress will be able to assist you in finding something that ties them to their people.

We will want to gather something from Zaralek Cavern as well, as much of their flight's history is rooted there. Surely somebody in Loamm can help.


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 9,050 XP
Flightstone-dragonflight.png 10x [Flightstones]


We have the most to learn with this hatchling... I hope she has patience while we improve.


<Agapanthus looks over to the Obsidian Hatchling's nest, relieved.>

They will be quite comfortable in their new nest. Well done.


Warmed Coals can be looted from Piles of Coal in the Burning Ascent and have a small chance to drop from the Qalashi djaradin in the area.

Head to the Obsidian Throne and speak with Archivist Edress.

Gossip (Quest) I am raising an obsidian hatchling at the nursery. What should I add to her nest?
Archivist Edress says: May this gem remind her of her shining future. It feels good to have hope for our flight.
The adventurer receives the Obsidian Gemstone.

Crystalline Shell is bought from Terryn in Loamm.

Gossip (Quest) I am looking for an artifact for an obsidian hatchling's nest.
Terryn says: Ever since all these black dragons arrived, they've been eyeing this shell! It's making me uncomfortable. Take it for the kid.

Return to the daycare and place the three items at the silhouettes, then turn in the quest.

Upon completion
Agapanthus says: We have done all we can for today <name>. Come back tomorrow if you can. I am certain we will have need of you.


  1. Day 1
    1. N [10-70] Eggs in Abundance
    2. N [10-70] Whelptender's Wisdom
    3. N [10-70] Daycare Director Agapanthus
    4. N [10-70] Snack Run, N [10-70] A Nurturing Environment, N [10-70] A Lesson in Responsibility
    5. N [10-70] The Obsidian Hatchling, N [10-70] Warmth and Comfort
  2. Day 2
  3. Day 3: N [10-70] What's a Duck?
  4. Day 4
    1. N [10-70] A Solid Pet
    2. N [10-70] Anatidaephobia
    3. N [10-70] The Ruby Hatchling
    4. N [10-70] Crimson Comfort
  5. Day 5: N [10-70] Warm Dragonfruit Pie, N [10-70] You're Playing Wrong!
  6. Day 6: N [10-70] I'm the Boss!
  7. Day 7
    1. N [10-70] A Cavalier Pet
    2. N [10-70] Patience, Please
    3. N [10-70] The Bronze Hatchling
    4. N [10-70] Nothing Like a Sandy Nap
  8. Day 8: N [10-70] Artisanal Aging, N [10-70] Here? There? Everywhere!
  9. Day 9: N [10-70] Sneezing Through Time
  10. Day 10
    1. N [10-70] A Scaly Pet
    2. N [10-70] Temporal Immunity
    3. N [10-70] The Azure Hatchling
    4. N [10-70] A Scholar's Delight
  11. Day 11: N [10-70] Crystal Nutrition, N [10-70] Well, Actually...
  12. Day 12: N [10-70] New Lenses
  13. Day 13
    1. N [10-70] A Scholar's Pet
    2. N [10-70] Sight Isn't Everything
    3. N [10-70] The Emerald Hatchling
    4. N [10-70] Home Sweet Dirt
  14. Day 14: N [10-70] Hochenblume Harvest, N [10-70] So... Tired...
  15. Day 15: N [10-70] A Green Who Can't Sleep?
  16. Day 16: N [10-70] A Sleepy Pet, N [10-70] Hibernation

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