Arc-Consul Velara

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NeutralArc-Consul Velara
Image of Arc-Consul Velara
Gender Female
Race Eredar (Demon)
Level 45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Consulate, Augari
Location Conservatory of the Arcane, Eredath

Arc-Consul Velara is an eredar located at the Conservatory of the Arcane in Eredath. As one of Archimonde's greatest pupils, Velara held such power in her own disciplines that the Conservatory remembers her even centuries later. She must be defeated in order for the Army of the Light to advance their quest to obtain the  [Sigil of Awakening].


  • Arcane Bolt - Strikes the target with a blast of energy, inflicting Arcane damage.
  • Consecration
  • Crystalline Defense Grid - Summons a trio of crystal turrets, which inflict Arcane damage randomly to nearby enemies.
  • Greater Mage Ward - Infuses the caster with a great amount of arcane energy, absorbing 1500000 damage. Additionaly[sic], while the shield is active, Arcane damage done is increased by 50%

Objective of


Main article: Gatekeeper's Challenge: Mastery#Notes


Patch changes

External links