Ancient Tyrhold Artifact Notes

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Ancient Tyrhold Artifact Notes are rewarded from N [60-70] A Treacherous Race, the start of the final day of activities during Secrets of Azeroth.

It reads:

Ancient Tyrhold Artifact Notes

* An unnamed artifact (or collection of artifacts) was found by Tyr and other titan keepers around Azeroth long ago.
* Tyr focused on one cache in particular, hiding it within Tyr's Hold behind a number of mechanical and magical locks.
* In the next few pages we have detailed the information we found about each of the locks Tyr put in place.
* The texts do not say what was found, but the writing sounds frightened. Not a good sign coming from a titan keeper! We cannot let Tithris steal the artifact.

Lock 1 - Torch of Pyrreth
* We believe the first lock requires the torch. We found the line below as a reference. Hopefully these keepers will be easy to discern.

"Eight keepers stand vigil awaiting a flame bearer."

Lock 2 - Titan Key
* This one is very straightforward. It appears from the text only a few titan keys were forged, including the Titan Key of Tyr you were able to reforge.

"Only key holders can gain approval from my golden visage overlooking the furnaces of the hold."

* You will have to locate this visage and see what the "approval" means.

Lock 3 - Idol of Ohn'ahra
* The third lock requires the idol.

"Scattered amidst the odd rings, one must search each room to find and return all four whole to the Mother Oathstone's charges."

* There was a line that followed with four sets of coordinates: (8, 13), (25, 25), (10, -12), and (25, -24).
* Kathos thinks the Idol of Ohn'ahra will find the scattered items amongst the circular ring tiers that lead deeper into Tyr's Hold.
* Seems you should use the thinking cap near the Mother Oathstone at the base of the main stair. Looks important for that second part!

Note: Is this why Tithris told Bobby about Fangli Hoot? To decipher the coordinate system?

Lock 4 - Orb of Rathmus
* The last lock uses the Orb of Rathmus, which Tithris has. We hope we can bypass this lock to secure the artifact before Tithris can get it. Here is the clue:

"Return the Orb of Rathmus to its consoling rest where Tyr can watch over it from on high."

* There is a great console at the top of Tyrhold which we both believe is the right place.

<A note on the back shows you successfully solved this clue.>

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