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Aeden Braesmeld

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NeutralAeden Braesmeld
Image of Aeden Braesmeld
Title <Weaponsmith>
Gender Male
Race Arathi (Humanoid)
Level 70-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Hallowfall Arathi
Location Mereldar, Hallowfall
Status Alive

Aeden Braesmeld is an Arathi located in Mereldar in Hallowfall.


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Item Cost Type
 [Preserved Arathi Sword] 500 Resonance Crystals Cosmetic sword
 [Preserved Arathi Hatchet] 500 Resonance Crystals Cosmetic axe
 [Preserved Deep-Dweller's Staff] 500 Resonance Crystals Cosmetic staff
 [Preserved Deep-Dweller's Cudgel] 500 Resonance Crystals Cosmetic mace
 [Preserved Deep-Dweller's Dirk] 500 Resonance Crystals Cosmetic dagger
 [Lamplighter's Torch] 500 Resonance Crystals Cosmetic mace
 [Lamplighter's Unlit Torch] 500 Resonance Crystals Cosmetic mace

Patch changes

External links