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Image of Adamanthia
Gender Female
Race Black dragon (Dragonkin)
Level 70 - 72 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Black dragonflight
Location High Creche, Forbidden Reach
Status Alive

Adamanthia is a black dragon located in the High Creche in the Forbidden Reach.


After the dracthyr were freed from Neltharion's control, Adamanthia made several notes regarding the dracthyr and their stasis containment taking the approach of attempting to "re-align" the dracthyr back under his will, releasing a number of them from stasis and proceeding to try different methods of control. Over the course of her experiments, she slowly interacted with some dracthyr, slowly coming to realize that the dracthyr were far more valuable with their will free rather than subjugated. When Neltharion became aware of what Adamanthia was doing he issued her a threatening warning to not only cease her experiments but to also have all the dracthyr she released sent back to Aberrus. When Adamanthia saw that Neltharion wanted the dracthyr sent back to Aberrus she refused, stating that there was no need to return them to the lab, this served as the final "kind" act of Neltharion, for soon after the last communication between Adamanthia and Neltharion, Adamanthia was believed to have been imprisoned.[1]

Adamanthia was imprisoned within the High Creche not by the same magic of the blue dragons but this time through power siphoned from the dracthyr in all five creches they were locked away in. The magic sealing Adamanthia away is a form of evoker magic that was once readily used by the dracthyr before their stasis but not made available once they reemerged during the Primalist invasion of the Forbidden Reach. She would be discovered a number of years later by Ebyssian and Scalecommander Emberthal, who decided they needed to know more before attempting to destroy her oubliette.[2][3]

After Ebyssian and Emberthal decided to unbind the ancient siphons that were extracting the black dragonflight essence from the dracthyr and free Adamanthia from her imprisonment, Emberthal called upon dracthyr adventurers to aid them.[4] However due to her long time in stasis, she lashed out against the trio only for the fighting to cease when she came to her senses. In the aftermath, Adamanthia was able to recall the dracthyr adventure and remarked how their magic had changed. She further revealed that she was aware that the world had changed, was able to sense that it was related to the Well of Eternity in some manner, and was aware that Neltharion was dead. Adamanthia then stated that she needed to rest, while Ebyssian promised that once she healed, he would let her make her own path in life.[5]


  • Inv shadowflames wave.png Earth Breath — cone in front of it, inflicting Nature damage
  • Inv 10 elementalcombinedfoozles earth.png Earth Tremor — Inflicts 10 Nature damage to enemies within 100 yards.
  • Trade engineering.png Falling Rock — Adamanthia launches a barrage of rock missiles to target and around itself. Each missile inflicts 5 Physical damage to target and anyone who stand within 0 yards of its impact location
  • Inv misc head dragon black.png Roar of Pain — Knocks all enemies within 100 yards of the caster back. Inflicts 1 Physical damage to enemies within 100 yards.

Objective of


  • Adamanthia is the only known black dragon that Neltharion spared and imprisoned rather than destroy when she dared to challenge him.[6]
  • Adamanthia knew about Aberrus when Neltharion wanted to send the awakened Dracthyr there.[7]

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