Sending Stone: Protest

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Sending Stone: Protest

Sending Stone: Protest is found at [58.4, 70.5] on a crate near the entrance of the eastern High Creche building of Talonlords' Perch in the Forbidden Reach. It begins N [70] Sending Stone: Protest, one of the criteria of  [While We Were Sleeping].

After turning in the quest, players can read the stone at the  [Translated Correspondence of Black Dragons] tome in front of Azurathel and Cindrethresh. It reads:

Sending Stone: Protest

My Aspect.

I thought I was doing everything you asked and more. The extraction of black dragonflight essence from the dracthyr has gone smoothly, though I worry it may permanently cripple their abilities. Yet you commanded, and I obey.

You ordered the sealing of the creches, and so I worked with the wyrms of Malygos, as commanded.

Today, I received word that you have ordered my awakened dracthyr to Aberrus, as if they were expendable for some esoteric experiment.

I must know why. I demand their release. You can see for yourself they are awake and aware, creatures capable of independent thought.

Their trust must be cultivated, not forced. In the strongest possible terms, I must protest. Trusting to your genius, I entrust these words to the careful consideration of your sagacious intellect.

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