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The Notebook

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NeutralThe Notebook
Start Sophietta Lynflayme
End Sophietta Lynflayme
Level 75-78
Category Hallowfall
Experience 8,400
Rewards 17g 55s
Previous N [75-78] Care Package
Next N [75-78] Height Club


Help Sophietta look for her notebook.


<Name>, I need your help. My whole future is on the line! I came to Lightspark to be an airship captain, and I've put in a ton of work to excel here. But my notebook is missing, with my final report!

I'm top in the class, but if I don't turn it in soon, I won't be our next airship captain. Please help me find it.

I thought I left it out by the canyon where we review each other's skiff piloting, but it wasn't there when I checked. Can you help me look for it?


You will receive:

  • 17g 55s
  • 8,400 XP


Edwyn took it? Of course.

He desperately wants to be selected as captain, but he knows I'm ahead in the rankings. His only chance is if I can't turn in my report. We have to get it back!


Ask Flight Observer Viktorina about Sophietta's Notebook:

Some good flying through the gorge today. This group is really getting the hang of things, as they should be.

Can I help you with something, outsider?

Gossip What makes an exceptional student?

The best students know exactly what they can pull off.

You have to push yourself, but when it comes to crashing into the terrain or another ship, there can be no mistakes.

That said, those that simply stay safe, far from every obstacle are the easiest to bring down.

Gossip (Quest) Have you seen Sophietta's notebook?

You think Sophietta left her assignment out here? She's always cutting it too close. She's a great pilot, but I hope this doesn't crash her aspirations.

My attention has been on flights through the canyon, but I saw Edwyn come up here. Maybe he picked it up?

He walked off toward the mess hall, I'd check there.

Ask Caretaker Ryston about Edwyn:

Be quick, friend, I've got a lot of work to do for hungry students. Don't want them distracted by hunger when they're trying to maneuver past a rock pillar!

Gossip What makes an exceptional student?

I watch the students get their meals every day. And while I can't speak to their flying, I do see which ones leave the last roll for their friends and clean up after themselves.

I have to believe those who care about others around them make better captains than the ones who only think about themselves.

Gossip (Quest) Seen Edwyn? Or Sophietta's notebook?

Sophietta is missing her notebook, and you think Edwyn took it?

Ugh, that makes an odd kind of sense. He was in here not long ago, dipped something in my stew while my back was turned.

I'd bet it was her notebook. He's a sharp one, but what I hear from the instructors is that Sophietta is always just ahead of him.

He ran upstairs, perhaps you can catch him.

Speak with Jenae Sacredpyke:

Usually we only see new faces here with a new class. Welcome to Lightspark, I'm one of the students here.

Anything I can help you with?

Gossip Can you tell me about Lightspark?

We've been in Hallowfall a while, and we've had a need to train captains, officers and crews for our airships, either due to casualties or for new additions to the fleet.

So Lightspark was founded a few years ago under Headmaster Fynch. He handpicked several of our best officers to help him train the students.

Each yar, he selects Arathi from a group of volunteers, and they come to study. Those who pass are assigned to an airship, with the top student being the captain, the next two the officers, and the others make up the crew.

Gossip What do you think of Sophietta?

Sophietta is really top-notch. Great pilot, very precise, but she takes no unnecessary risks. She also aces all the homework--because she studies hard. I would say of everyone here, she takes her work the most seriously.

We all assume we'll be calling her captain before long.

Gossip What's the deal with Edwyn?

Edwyn is a little hard to read. He took me a while to figure out. He's intelligent, and he's a great pilot. I think he really cares about his classmates, too.

But he has a weird ego thing going on. He seems to be sure he'll be captain, and he doesn't th9ink anyone else is up to the job. I'm not sure why, but he's almost obsessive about it.

If he does make captain, he'd do well, but currently he's behind Sophietta in the class rankings.

Gossip How about you, Jenae?

Let's just say I'm not wound as tightly as those two. I try to do well in my classes, I'm a competent flyer, and I'm well-liked.

But I don't spend as much time studying as Sophietta, and I'm not driven the way Edwyn is. I assume I'll probably end up as an officer under whichever of them becomes captain.

Ask Headmaster Fynch about Edwyn. Upon approach:

Headmaster Fynch says: ...that's the final reason our airships are such a critical advantage over the nerubians.

Greetings, <name>, I'm Headmaster Fynch, and I run this academy. How can I help you?

Gossip What's it like to run an airship school?

It wouldn't be hard, back in the Empire. Here in Hallowfall, it's an extremely difficult endeavor.

The subject matter is extremely broad, from how the wind will affect a ship to how the nerubians will try to bring it down.

Finding the right instructors and making sure they have everything they need is a real challenge, due to our isolation here in Hallowfall.

I also try to build rapport with the students so they know me. I want them to trust my advice when it might save their life, and to know my decisions and evaluations are fair.

Like an airship, there's a lot of parts that have to work together.

Gossip (Quest) Have you seen Edwyn?

Edwyn? He was here a bit ago. He turned in his assignment, then said he was off to talk to Instructor Morgaen about something.

One odd thing--he smelled like fresh stew. I'm not sure if he spilled something, or if his diligence for his studies keeps him from getting his laundry done. It hasn't in the past, though, this is new.

Anyway, you can find Instructor Morgaen beneath the docks.

One can also find the  [Lightspark Grade Book] in the building which details the performance of Sophietta, Edwyn and Jenae Sacredpyke.

Ask Engineering Instructor Morgaen about Edwyn:

Is there something I can help you with? Perhaps you'd like to discuss Engineer Thuridale's theories about using the Sacred Flame to move our ships forward, and not just keep them aloft?

Gossip What makes an exceptional student?

The best students are the ones that thoroughly understand what their ships can do, and what their enemies are likely to be capable of.

Some students scoff at my classes, but engineering competency very often determines who comes home alive.

Gossip (Quest) Did Edwyn come through here?

Ah, Edwyn? You've just missed him – but he and his friends hang out a lot under the main airship dock.

I would check for him there. Let me know if you have any questions about airship engineering I can...

Nevermind, I can tell you don't want to talk about engineering.


  1. N [75-78] Care Package
  2. N [75-78] The Notebook
  3. N [75-78] Height Club
  4. N [75-78] Gone with the Wind
  5. N [75-78] A Principled Principal

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