A Particularly Potent Potion

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NeutralA Particularly Potent Potion
Start Marin Noggenfogger
End Marin Noggenfogger
Level 10-45
Category Rogue Campaign
Class Rogue Rogue
Experience 15,500
Rewards 16g 60s
Previous N Rogue [10-45] Noggenfogger's Reasonable Request
Next N Rogue [10-45] Champion: Marin Noggenfogger


Steal Love Potion #6 from Gallywix's personal safe.


I've got a proposition for ya, <name>!

Word has it that Trade Prince Gallywix recently acquired a priceless, one-of-a-kind love potion. There's only one goblin who can replicate it and you're looking at him! Get me that potion and I can make us both richer than kings!

The pleasure palace is located in Azshara and it has been on high alert since the war started. Gallywix isn't letting anybody in except his personal staff, but I know a girl on the inside!

Find her and she'll get you to the safe!


You will receive:

  • 16g 60s
  • 15,500 XP


Do you have the goods?


Aww, yesss! That's the stuff!

<Noggenfogger pops the cork and dabs some of the potion on his finger.>

Have mercy! WOWZA! I'm going to need some time alone with this stuff!


Use your  [Hearthstone] (or equivalent) to return to a capital city and:

From there, you can fly to Azshara. Remember to use [Stealth] at all times, and [Sap] or [Distract] as needed. Once you've taken the potion, use  [Dalaran Hearthstone] to return to Dalaran.

Quest accept
Marin Noggenfogger says: This is going to be a heist of a lifetime!
Getting close to a mook
Palace Mook says: Who dat sneakin' around?!
Palace Mook says: Somebody sneakin' around nearby!
Palace Mook says: What dat noise?
Approach the palace
Trade Prince Gallywix says: Listen up, mooks! The pleasure palace is OFF LIMITS! I don't want ANYBODY setting foot on my property!
Trade Prince Gallywix says: Now, I'm going to hit the sauna for some R&R... so bring me a frozen cocktail and some cocoa butter!
Shhh... keep your voice down! If anyone sees us talking, we're dead meat!
Gossip Noggenfogger sent me. I need to break into the safe.
Trixyni Rustclamp says: Hit up Izak the bartender, he should know how to get the key to the safe.
Trixyni Rustclamp says: If he won't talk, just remind him that he owes me one for 'the you know what' in 'the you know where'... got it?
If you're lookin' for trouble, I don't want any part of it... who am I kidding? Anything would pay better than this!
Gossip Trixyni sent me. I need the key to the safe... she says you "owe her."
Izak Mixmaster says: Today is your lucky day, friend! Even as we speak, Gallywix is enjoying a relaxing stop in his personal sauna.
Izak Mixmaster says: If you sneak into the sauna, you can grab the key while he isn't wearing it!
Grab safe key
Trade Prince Gallywix says: Mooks! Where's my cocoa butter?! What part of COCOA and BUTTER did you not get?!
Love potion taken
Trade Prince Gallywix says: Whew... it's gettin' hot in here. I think it's time for a relaxing nap...
Trade Prince Gallywix says: Wait a minute... one of my keys is... SOMEBODY STOLE THE KEY TO MY SAFE!
Trade Prince Gallywix says: Whoever did this is gonna pay! Mooks! Find them! FIND THEM!
Trade Prince Gallywix says: Why is this cocoa butter so slippery? GET ME A TOWEL! Whoever bought the slippery cocoa butter is FIRED!
Quest completion
Marin Noggenfogger says: We'll have love-struck schlubs throwin' their money at us in no time!


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