A King's Tribute

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AllianceA King's Tribute
Start King Magni Bronzebeard
End Grand Mason Marblesten
Level 30 (Requires 28)
Category Ironforge
Experience 1200 EXP (or 7s 20c at level 70)
Previous A [30] Sara Balloo's Plea
Next A [31] A King's Tribute

This is part of the A King's Tribute quest chain.


King Magni Bronzebeard wants you to speak with Grand Mason Marblesten.


I do not expect good dwarves like Mrs. Balloo to understand why the travesties of war must be endured for the greater good of our people. The loss of her husband, and the loss of every dwarf that fights in the name of the Alliance, weighs heavy on my soul.

While I cannot bring her husband back from the Twisting Nether, I can pay tribute to him.

I am going to commission a memorial to Sully Balloo to be built by Grand Mason Marblesten.

Send word to him now, <class>. You shall be custodian of my bidding.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


So King Magni Bronzebeard himself sent ye?

My, my! This must be important!


  1. A [30] Sully Balloo's Letter
  2. A [30] Sara Balloo's Plea
  3. A [30] A King's Tribute
  4. A [31] A King's Tribute
  5. A [31] A King's Tribute

Patch changes

External links