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Orator Tx'itk

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NeutralOrator Tx'itk
Image of Orator Tx'itk
Title <The Second Strand>
Gender Female
Race Ascended nerubian (Humanoid)
Level 78-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) The Vizier, Severed Threads
Location Azj-Kahet
Status Alive

Orator Tx'itk is an ascended nerubian found in Azj-Kahet



Main article: Social Clues#Notes
Main article: Espionage and Ventriloquism#Notes
Main article: Marionette Mercy#Notes
Main article: Pulling Strings#Notes

At the Weaver's Lair after N [78-80] Pulling Strings

Orator Tx'itk

Hello, friend.

Strange, to see the same you through different eyes. I'm still getting used to this new form. At times, it's still jarring.

Gossip What was it like to be Ascended?

Excruciating. And illuminating.

My legs were wobbly at first. Balancing on two is much harder than it looks--I suppose I should commend you for being so skilled at it.

Gossip Was it worth it?

Truthfully, I wish I could say no. I wish that this new form did not open up endless possibilities, that this Ascended state did not grant me as much clout and social opportunity as we had hoped.

But I am glad that it was not for nothing. I can now freely roam the High Hollows--or just about anywhere--without being questioned every step of the way. I can get away with so much more.

People admire me. Fear me. It's a useful tool, in this line of work. And I am glad to take advantage of that, despite the costs.


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