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Gender Male
Race Orc
Affiliation(s) Durotar
Occupation Refugee
Location Arathi Highlands
Status Alive
Relative(s) Gowzis (mother)
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Zun is an orc child who was travelling with his mother Gowzis, a Forsaken apothecary Cotley, and a band of Horde refugees across the Arathi Highlands.

After the Fourth War, the refugees were approached Visrynn, a dark ranger, who joined them on the condition that they take a vow of silence. While she traveled with them for half a day, Cotley tended to her injured hand and learned that she sought to go south and chart a boat from Faldir's Cove. In time, an Alliance strike team led by Turalyon and Alleria Windrunner came upon them looking for Visrynn. Zun, in panic, tried to attack them only to be humorously subdued by Turalyon. In fear for her son's life, Gowzis begged them to spare her son, to which the pair fully agreed too.

Alleria, remembering her time with Arator when he played in the courtyard of Stormwind Keep, told Zun that war was not glory. While the pair questioned his mother about Visrynn, Zun remained with Cotley. After Alleria interrogated Gowzis with the Void, an outraged Cotley ordered her to stop and revealed all he knew about Visrynn, while Zun quickly ran to his mother.[1]


  • He has brown eyes.


  1. ^ Shadows Rising, chapter 9