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Image of Zon'Wogi
Title <Stable Master>
Gender Male
Race Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Level 10-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Dragonscale Expedition
Occupation Stable master
Location Three-Falls Lookout, Azure Span[19.0, 24.0]
Status Alive

Zon'Wogi is a jungle troll located in Three-Falls Lookout in the Azure Span. He is watching over Amelia Read and next to him are Yipper, Growly, Barky. He also tends to the  [Temperamental Skyclaw], which he gives in exchange for 20x  [Tuskarr Jerky],  [Flash Frozen Meat], and  [Gnolan's House Special].



  • Amelia Read says: Hey, Wogi! What are you doing?
Zon'Wogi says: I be having a cup of tea.
Zon'Wogi says: What it look like I be doing, child? I be watching you.
Amelia Read says: Do you want to go to the waterfall with me?
Zon'Wogi says: No! Ya father say to stay here, so here we be staying.
  • Amelia Read says: Hey Wogi, I have a question!
Zon'Wogi says: Name is Zon'Wogi, Child! Zon'Wogi!
Amelia Read says: OK Zogi! Do you want to play with me?
Zon'Wogi says: What? How you be getting to Zogi?
Amelia Read says: What?
Zon'Wogi says: Child, you be worst to ma health than da decay!

Hello, traveler. My name is Zon'Wogi. I care for da expedition's animals and catalog da wildlife we meet.

Whatever ya be lookin' for in this remote station, I be staying away from da gnolls to da west. They be crazed with decay.

Gossip <Ask about the saddled slyvern.>

She be trained as a mount by some crazier than normal gnolls. Wanting to fly, they were.
I got her free, but I don' have da time to care for her proper with these kits distractin' me.
If ya want to see if ya have better luck than the last gnoll who tried to ride her, be ma guest. She got a taste for gnoll cookin', so ya best bet to not end up on da menu is to bring her a few treats from da gnoll tribes that not be fallen to decay.
Bring me a big ol' pile of whatever they be cookin' up and she be eatin' out of da palm of ya hand in no time. Twenty each should be enough even for her appetite.
Gossip <Present Zon'Wagi with the collected "dishes".>
Ha! She be smelling what ya be bringin'.
Take good care of her, mon. She be deservin' a nice life.

Gossip I'd like to heal and revive my battle pets.

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